Coconut Oil

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    So forgot about my jug of Coconut Oil (CO)…left it in hotcar for an hour or so (85 deg outside). When I got back it was totally separated…all liquid on top and slush on bottom. I immediately put it in our cooler. Does this stuff ruin if u get it hot or is it pretty resilient and should be fine?



    Makoto Tomizawa

    I’ve had mine turn into a liquid when it got too warm, but never a “separation”… what kind of coconut oil do you have? If anything, it should just turn into clear liquid.
    In any case, it’s totally fine. Pretty much like if you’d cook with it or put it in hot beverages.

    Training Log:



    Coconut oil has such a low melting temp that it was probably just melting. I have mine melt and than cool back down even in the pantry. It should be fine.



    No, it’s perfectly fine. I would suggest melting it back down completely and then sticking it immediately in the freezer for it to re-cool into one uniformed chunk. If it slowly comes back to solid temperature (like putting it in your air conditioned house) it could re-solidify in a weird way… it’s still good and dandy, just you may prefer it to look uniformed. My husband goes, “The coconut oil is spoiled!!” ….No it’s not hubby…. so I remelt it and then shove it in the freezer so it’ll be uniformed for his sensitive mouth, lol.



    Thanks all I have this kind:….0…

    When it melted it was clear liquid on top & white slush kind of on bottom…maybe all of it had not fully melted….

    Update: I stuck it in the cooler & now it’s like chipping ice to get it out lol! I’ve taken it out of there and left it in my hotel room to hopefully melt just a bit, so I can get it out sans a pick axe lol! Seems to be gtg as I have taken 2 Acc shakes this am.

    Thanks again!

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Coconut Oil

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