Starting CBL

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    I've been lifting pretty hard for about 5 years and am currently 5'11, 195, and 11% bodyfat. I'm looking to push my weight up to 205-210 and keep bodyfat in check; hopefully where I'm at now or leaner but I'll accept some fat gain. Is CBL a good diet to do this? To start CBL should I just follow the diet example he gave for Joey DeMayo (I think that was his name)? He roughly reached the weight I was looking to get to.


    Richard Schmitt

    CBL would be a good start to up your weight and keep body fat levels low. Have you purchased and read the book?



    Yeah I've read and bought the book. I was wondering if a good way to start the diet would be to follow the plan Kiefer put together for Jay DeMayo on pg. 190. I liked the diet because it includes foods I like and seems super simple which is something I also really like. My meal plan which is almost exactly the same as his would look like this. I lift or do BJJ everyday and usually both from about 5:30-9pm every night so everyday I'm planning to eat big.Training Day Morning 7a.m.Coffee w/2 tbsp heavy whipping creamLate Breakfast/Lunch 11a.m.6 eggs1/2lb of bacon (10 strips)about 15 asparagus spearsMid-Afternoon 3p.m.2 hamburger pattiescooked bed of baby spinachNight 9p.m. or so3 Spicy Chicken Filets, Frosty and a large fry from Wendy’s or a pizzaOff Days (or if I'm putting on too much fat)Upon Waking (6am)Coffee w/heavy whipping creamLate Breakfast (noon)6 eggs, 1/2lb bacon (optional)Late Lunch (3pm)1 hamburger patty, mustard, slice of cheese(optional)Late Dinner (8pm)2 chicken breasts and a bunch of veggies

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Starting CBL

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