DEXA scan

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    Is a Dexa scan a fairly accurate way to monitor bodyfat?  I had one done last week as im getting ready for a lean mass phase of cbl with the possibilty of doing some kind of show next year.  Id like to get one every few months to check results with the goal of staying in the single didget range while adding or regaining some size and strength.



    I believe it is currently considered the most accurate way of measuring bodyfat.


    Brandon D Christ

    I believe it is currently considered the most accurate way of measuring bodyfat.

    I've heard mixed things about DEXA.  I remember looking at a couple studies and I do recall reading it is the most accurate method.  I also recall reading it doesn't perform as well as being dunked.


    I believe it is currently considered the most accurate way of measuring bodyfat.

    I've heard mixed things about DEXA.  I remember looking at a couple studies and I do recall reading it is the most accurate method.  I also recall reading it doesn't perform as well as being dunked.

    +1Dunked has been, and as far as I know, still is the most accurate measurement tool.Cory



    I just did a quick google search of “DEXA Scan” and learned that it is a bone density test. I am just asking…might there be some radiation risk having that many scan in succession?


    I just did a quick google search of "DEXA Scan" and learned that it is a bone density test. I am just asking...might there be some radiation risk having that many scan in succession?

    Sounds like a legit concern.Seriously, just go cheap w/ calipers, or get dunked.  Even Bod Pod will do, which is somewhere in the middle w/ pricing.Cory



    Thanks guys.  I just wanted an accurate way to get my BF before I started putting some muscle on. They said the radiation was similar to an airplane ride.  I dont have access to the other methods that I know of here in Philly,  but I probably wouldnt get another one for 6-12 months.  Going to start a log at some point lol.

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DEXA scan

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