The Kate Middleton Thing

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    So, I heard about the Kate Middleton thing and Google Imaged her name. She has nice boobs. Cool. I don't know what the big deal is about. But, these photos disgusted me:prince-william-kate-middleton-carried-0918-18.jpgprince-william-kate-middleton-carried-0918-16.jpg


    Brandon D Christ

    I don't know how people in the UK feel about the Royal Family, but I find it amazing that in the year 2012 that royalty exists.  Personally, I think they should be cut off and have to work for their money like everyone else.



    I agree Ibo. Some people are just brainwashed by the idea of unquestioningly bowing down to authority



    I don't know how people in the UK feel about the Royal Family, but I find it amazing that in the year 2012 that royalty exists.  Personally, I think they should be cut off and have to work for their money like everyone else.

    That's what the French did over 2 centuries ago. The cutting off was, of course, more drastic. We haven't looked back since  😉I live in the UK and this whole Royal family obsession baffles me. I guess it sell rags when they run out out of juicy national stories, and when they can't be bothered to report on significant world issues the common people might not be interested in. After all, Kate Middleston's tits are far more interesting than the current situation in Mali.



    I don't know how people in the UK feel about the Royal Family, but I find it amazing that in the year 2012 that royalty exists.  Personally, I think they should be cut off and have to work for their money like everyone else.




    It is easier said than done to simply do away with centuries of tradition. The legacy the Royal Family maintains as a social and political symbol is clearly very powerful. This is no different than North Americans worshipping MTV “icons” (I'm using that term very loosely) or all the famous-by-association people (Hiltons, Kardashians, etc.) The difference here is that the RF represents something, specifically the well-being and interests of Great Britain.


    I don't know how people in the UK feel about the Royal Family, but I find it amazing that in the year 2012 that royalty exists.  Personally, I think they should be cut off and have to work for their money like everyone else.

    Fucking figure heads, that is all they are.Cory

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The Kate Middleton Thing

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