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  • #413


    I just thought i'd post this, sometimes i just need information dumbed down for me to comprehend it, TIME magazine to the rescue? It just might help some of you think a little about how much exercise you are doing to get resultshttp://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1914974,00.html


    Naomi Most

    Ugh! I hate when articles conflate all forms of exercise as if they are the same thing.This article does a great job of debunking the CICO (calories-in / calories-out) fallacy of weight loss... but fails to differentiate between types of exercise.The fact is that people who take up resistance training as a serious endeavor always see improvements in body recomposition (whether they lose weight or not), while people who "exercise" -- which in this culture almost always means sweating through an aerobics class for an hour -- and try to count calories pretty much never lose fat.So now, yet another popular media article is conveying to people the message, "exercise is pointless!"  No. Incorrect. Argh...

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