Lifters? Had to share this. LOL!

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    I hate fucking “rack curls” so much, that I had to share this hilarious picture I got on my Facebook feed.Enjoy... and discuss!I am sure my hardcore brothers and sisters in iron will agree.  😉Cory



    Thats funny, would cause an uproar amongst the “brahs” as they would wonder what that weird thing is that you were doing with your legs.


    Thats funny, would cause an uproar amongst the "brahs" as they would wonder what that weird thing is that you were doing with your legs.

    LOL @ the "brahs".  I doubt they leave the Misc. much over at



    Lol 🙂Well, I've used the curling bar for deadlifts before. It's that hard to get hold of a barbell in my gym...


    Lol 🙂Well, I've used the curling bar for deadlifts before. It's that hard to get hold of a barbell in my gym...

    Is your gym pretty short-stocked on lifting gear?Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    To be honest with you, I don't know what a bro is.  I always thought bros were the big guys in the gym, but it sounds like you guys call the people that don't know what they're doing bros.  :-  I'm confused.



    I am a bit lost too. Please explain what is funny about the picture. I haven't been to a gym in about 20 years. I train at home because I got tired of trying to lift heavy with Kenny G playing in the background and waiting for equipment. Looks like the guy is doing squats with a cambered curling bar on a preacher bench. Did I get it right?RB


    To be honest with you, I don't know what a bro is.  I always thought bros were the big guys in the gym, but it sounds like you guys call the people that don't know what they're doing bros.  :-  I'm confused.

    I am referring to the extraneous use of the word "brah" at, in their forums.  Basically, a bunch of guys who dream big, but only seem to work arms and chest.Cory


    Lasse Elsbak

    From urban dictionary:Bro: An alpha male idiot. This is the derogatory sense of the word (common usage in the western US): white, 16-25 years old, inarticulate, belligerent, talks about nothing but chicks and beer.Common misconceptions about lifting are often spread by "bro-science" ("You need to eat like, a ton of bananas for breakfast bro! That's what made this guy I know HUGE!")A common thing for "bros" to do in a gym is bicep curl in the squat rack. That is what this picture plays off of. Like Cory says, these guys seem to just do curls and bench.


    I am a bit lost too. Please explain what is funny about the picture. I haven't been to a gym in about 20 years. I train at home because I got tired of trying to lift heavy with Kenny G playing in the background and waiting for equipment. Looks like the guy is doing squats with a cambered curling bar on a preacher bench. Did I get it right?RB

    Yeah, you're seeing it right.  It is more the concept.  It is a guy doing Squats where people are meant to be Curling (typically Preachers).  You see, at least where I've lifted, there is always some obnoxious ass who'd rather Curl in the Rack (for no good reason), than use Barbells elsewhere.  Effectively hogging a station specific for Squatting, Deadlifting, Rack Pulls, and other big (power) moves, just to do Curls.I know I am not the only one who finds "Rack Curls", as they are known, to be annoying.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    I am a bit lost too. Please explain what is funny about the picture. I haven't been to a gym in about 20 years. I train at home because I got tired of trying to lift heavy with Kenny G playing in the background and waiting for equipment. Looks like the guy is doing squats with a cambered curling bar on a preacher bench. Did I get it right?RB

    Yeah, you're seeing it right.  It is more the concept.  It is a guy doing Squats where people are meant to be Curling (typically Preachers).  You see, at least where I've lifted, there is always some obnoxious ass who'd rather Curl in the Rack (for no good reason), than use Barbells elsewhere.  Effectively hogging a station specific for Squatting, Deadlifting, Rack Pulls, and other big (power) moves, just to do Curls.I know I am not the only one who finds "Rack Curls", as they are known, to be annoying.Cory

    This used to drive me insane.  Thank god the gym I work out at now nobody does this.


    Eric Shaw

    I am referring to the extraneous use of the word "brah" at, in their forums.  Basically, a bunch of guys who dream big, but only seem to work arms and chest.Cory

    Other wise known as "Charms".  Lol  They've got "charms" training down to a bro-science.


    I am a bit lost too. Please explain what is funny about the picture. I haven't been to a gym in about 20 years. I train at home because I got tired of trying to lift heavy with Kenny G playing in the background and waiting for equipment. Looks like the guy is doing squats with a cambered curling bar on a preacher bench. Did I get it right?RB

    Yeah, you're seeing it right.  It is more the concept.  It is a guy doing Squats where people are meant to be Curling (typically Preachers).  You see, at least where I've lifted, there is always some obnoxious ass who'd rather Curl in the Rack (for no good reason), than use Barbells elsewhere.  Effectively hogging a station specific for Squatting, Deadlifting, Rack Pulls, and other big (power) moves, just to do Curls.I know I am not the only one who finds "Rack Curls", as they are known, to be annoying.Cory

    This used to drive me insane.  Thank god the gym I work out at now nobody does this.

    I hear ya.It is one of those things I just cannot let go of.  If I see it happening, especially if I NEED the fucking station for a big move, I have to hold myself back from saying something, which with these types, will inevitably start shit.Cory



    Yah, I understand. People think they own the gym. Invest a couple of grand and you can get a pretty good pile of iron, a rack, and some misc. machines man, way better for your sanity.RB


    Yah, I understand. People think they own the gym. Invest a couple of grand and you can get a pretty good pile of iron, a rack, and some misc. machines man, way better for your sanity.RB

    I can come up with the money, no problems... it is just the space.  I live in NYC, and I am pretty fucking happy here, but space is a premium in this city.For now, I will just make do with commercial gyms, and be happy I don't have to use storage like a lot of people in Manhattan (or have roommates).Cory

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Lifters? Had to share this. LOL!

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