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  • #424622

    Noah Lee

    So is fiber in general just completely out of the picture during backloading? For example would a burrito with 5 grams of fiber with 7 grams of sugar not work in CBL or a burger with 2 grams of fiber and 2 grams of sugar? Or is it only the very high fiberous foods that are out of the picture.


    Alki Anastassiou

    So is fiber in general just completely out of the picture during backloading? For example would a burrito with 5 grams of fiber with 7 grams of sugar not work in CBL or a burger with 2 grams of fiber and 2 grams of sugar? Or is it only the very high fiberous foods that are out of the picture.

    Or is it only the very high fiberous foods that are out of the picture.
    Yes this.


    Noah Lee

    ok thank you. then about how many grams of fiber in something would be considered high fiber


    Alki Anastassiou

    Well, I would just avoid green leafy vegetables – spinach, broccoli etc. and focus on getting carbs that cause the greatest insulin spikes… Sticky white rice, waxy potatoes, pastries etc. I wouldn’t worry too much about fiber, just get bulk carbs from highest insulinogenic carbohydrate sources.

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