My daily food intake….. Please comment need help

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    630: Wake up800: large coffee 3 creamers 1100: Spoonful of coconut oil, macadamian nuts, 40g protien, fiber, morning supplements (pills)1200: lean meat, eggs, tuna, bacon (usually one of those)1500: protien shake (optional)1700: Train1930: backload or some type of meat for non-training Days2000: icecream (only on training days)Let me know if I'm doing this right. I'm seeing size and Strenght gains but not much weight loss. Started at 233 currently 225-227


    Richard Schmitt

    I'm curious have you read the book or looked through these forums at all?



    Read the book and have been reading alot of reviews. Been on the diet for about 8 weeks. def not seeing the weight loss


    Richard Schmitt

    630: Wake up800: large coffee 3 creamers Should only be coffee with coconut oil and/or heavy whipping cream1100: Spoonful of coconut oil, macadamian nuts, 40g protien, fiber, morning supplements (pills)Nix the whey, and nuts and fiber. Whey spikes insulin, plant fats causes bloat and gets stored as fat and fiber? I don't think that's necessary.1200: lean meat, eggs, tuna, bacon (usually one of those)Is this meal 1:1 in fats and proteins in grams?1500: protien shake (optional)Should not be optional. Take it out and only have coffee/caffeine if needed. Whey will halt fat burning.1700: Train1930: backload or some type of meat for non-training Days2000: icecream (only on training days)Let me know if I'm doing this right. I'm seeing size and Strenght gains but not much weight loss. Started at 233 currently 225-227


    Read the book and have been reading alot of reviews. Been on the diet for about 8 weeks. def not seeing the weight loss

    In my opinion, if you are Density Bulking, you won't see much weight loss.  In one month of DB, I lost two pounds of fat, but put on decent muscle.  That is why I switched over to CNS, b/c I wanted to cut the fat down quick, then go back to CBL at a more respectable body fat.For me, CBL DB is more of a fat maintenance + muscle building program.  You won't gain fat (or shouldn't gain much), but you will gain muscle.  Then again, everyone is different -- different genetics, histories, body-types, metabolisms, etc.Cory



    ok ill cut the nuts protien and fiber out. How about the morning supplements? I take a multi, fish oil, joint care supplement, vitiman C. Should I only take these at night? also what are some lunch ideas I could use?I appreciate the feedback.

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My daily food intake….. Please comment need help

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