Accutane and CBL?

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    Alki Anastassiou

    I know this is an odd question but I do not know exactly where to ask..
    I am probably starting accutane soon and I was just curious if anybody here has had experience and if it is potentially health threatening for future as a known side effect is raise in cholesterol…

    Thank you


    Charles W Lynn

    I was on Accutane for 6 months, nasty stuff. Backloading will be fine, but I have some pieces of advice: Accutane needs to be absorbed with fat, do not take it on an empty stomach. Accutane can be harsh on your liver, make sure you’re drinking water and eating fiber (supplement it if you have to). Eat “healthy” foods. It’s fine to eat a bit of junk, but cheese burgers and sugar aren’t going to help your lipid profiles.

    Good luck with your acne man; that stuff works like a nuclear weapon, but definitely has some sides.

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Accutane and CBL?

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