The fat pre-workout?

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    Hey all,Here's something I've been wondering... So, in CBL and CNS it is, I believe, recommended, to have a solid fat / protein meal (1:1 ratio) before afternoon training. So, say you eat a load of bacon and eggs three hours before hitting the iron. Then, by the time you're lifting, that fat should start to become available as energy, correct?But... Then what about the PWO insulin spike from Whey / Leucine and / or carbs? Surely at this point at least some of the fat from your pre-workout meal is still ready to be used or stored. Could this PWO spike in insulin potentially cause the body to store any remaining pre-workout fat?Thanks.


    Craig jones

    No, you will find it hard to store fat for up to 2 hours after a workout anyway. The reason you avoid fat in your pwo shake is so that it doesnt slow the release of those fast acting amino's. Not because it would make you fat.


    Brandon D Christ

    You can if you want, optimally however, it is best to keep your last ULC meal 6 hours from when you consume your post workout shake.Honestly though, I screwed the whole keep the backload low fat in the beginning, I just went back to not caring because I noticed no difference.


    Richard Schmitt

    You can if you want, optimally however, it is best to keep your last ULC meal 6 hours from when you consume your post workout shake.Honestly though, I screwed the whole keep the backload low fat in the beginning, I just went back to not caring because I noticed no difference.

    Psh yeah I figured you wouldn't care, walking around a 6-pack ass  ::)



    Okay. So for example, tomorrow I'm working out at about 4 PM and I will have my PWO shake (Whey, Leucine, Creatine) at about 5:30 PM. Then, around 6:30 PM my backload will begin (starting clean with chicken and rice and getting progressively junkier as I close in on the finish, around 10:30 PM).If I finish that pre-workout meal (usually bacon and eggs and tomatoes / peppers cooked in butter) by about noon, will all that fat be well squared away by that 5:30 PM PWO hit of insulin?Thanks guys.


    Brandon D Christ

    Okay. So for example, tomorrow I'm working out at about 4 PM and I will have my PWO shake (Whey, Leucine, Creatine) at about 5:30 PM. Then, around 6:30 PM my backload will begin (starting clean with chicken and rice and getting progressively junkier as I close in on the finish, around 10:30 PM).If I finish that pre-workout meal (usually bacon and eggs and tomatoes / peppers cooked in butter) by about noon, will all that fat be well squared away by that 5:30 PM PWO hit of insulin?Thanks guys.

    Yep you got it.



    Cheers 🙂

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The fat pre-workout?

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