Some standard questions…

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    I posted this in the official Q&A, but I'm open to all advice…I'll start with my specs:24, male, 6'0", ~250lb, not sure of bf%, but it's higher than it needs to be hahaMy goal is to continue gaining strength while leaning out some. I'm not too worried about having a beach body, but I need to lose some of the gut. I'm currently doing Wendlers 5/3/1 program (now 3/5/1 technically) 4 days a week (mon, tue, thur, fri) and i usually try to throw in another day of some sort of physical exertion, but it varies. So far, I've been having a cup of coffee with a T of coconut oil and about 10g o.n. gold standard whey. I wake up around 6:30 and usually have that at 8. Around 10 I'll have my first meal (3 strips bacon and 2 eggs are most common) followed by chicken and vegetables for lunch around 12-1. I train around 4:15-4:30. Before starting CBL program, I have used a supplement called Tritium ( First question is: Is this a good pre-workout for CBL?Following my workout, I use Rocket Fuel ( Is this a decent post workout? I drink it immediately while leaving the gym (finish it within 10-20 minutes).At around 45 minutes post workout, I will start backloading with low fat chocolate milk, couple scoops of whey, 1-2 ripe bananas in a shake. Should I add leucine powder? How much?I'm a little but lost as to what to eat after this. Is it somewhat of a free-for-all or do I need to focus it to more protein or what? I'll wait for responses, thanks in advance.-Darien



    your breakfast needs more fat… add a few more strips of bacon.  Lunch meal of chicken and vegetables yields a good amount of protein but where is the fat?? you should have a 1:1 ratio, at least… if not a little bit higher fat to be on the safe side.  That will prevent a potential spike in insulin from the protein. So overall for a 250lb person you aren't eating that much at all...  i would def think about upping my preworkout macros if results stall.  The PWO shake is pretty low in protein and carbs so... i would make that my "intra workout" shake until i bought dextrose powder and protein. honestly for $36.00 you don't get much at all.  main source of carbs is dextrose and malto which you can get 10 lbs in powder form for about $19 online.Yes add leucine always to shakes if you can, post-workout.Free-for-all isn't good terminology.  You don't want to just BINGE eat.  Get some useful carbs like Rice,potatoes and such and then later on hit the sweets.  Try and keep the first actual "meal" lower in fat compared to its predecessor.  Everything is in the book.  I suggest you write down a list of questions and search the book for the right answer one by one so you have a better understanding.  Best of luck!



    your breakfast needs more fat... add a few more strips of bacon.  Lunch meal of chicken and vegetables yields a good amount of protein but where is the fat?? you should have a 1:1 ratio, at least... if not a little bit higher fat to be on the safe side.  That will prevent a potential spike in insulin from the protein. So overall for a 250lb person you aren't eating that much at all...  i would def think about upping my preworkout macros if results stall.  The PWO shake is pretty low in protein and carbs so... i would make that my "intra workout" shake until i bought dextrose powder and protein. honestly for $36.00 you don't get much at all.  main source of carbs is dextrose and malto which you can get 10 lbs in powder form for about $19 online.Yes add leucine always to shakes if you can, post-workout.Free-for-all isn't good terminology.  You don't want to just BINGE eat.  Get some useful carbs like Rice,potatoes and such and then later on hit the sweets.  Try and keep the first actual "meal" lower in fat compared to its predecessor.  Everything is in the book.  I suggest you write down a list of questions and search the book for the right answer one by one so you have a better understanding.  Best of luck!

    what would you suggest to use for a PWO shake then? i'm trying to spend as little money as possible right now. vet bills suck...


    Did you buy the book?He has an exact recipe for a PWO shake.He tells you how many carbs to eat during your back load.He lists carbs that are appropriate for backloading.Read the book!



    Did you buy the book?He has an exact recipe for a PWO shake.He tells you how many carbs to eat during your back load.He lists carbs that are appropriate for backloading.Read the book!

    yeah i read it, i'm in the middle or re-reading it for things i didn't absorb well. i meant to emphasize the cost part of that question. what's the CHEAPEST PWO formula anyone would recommend?



    Did you buy the book?He has an exact recipe for a PWO shake.He tells you how many carbs to eat during your back load.He lists carbs that are appropriate for backloading.Read the book!

    yeah i read it, i'm in the middle or re-reading it for things i didn't absorb well. i meant to emphasize the cost part of that question. what's the CHEAPEST PWO formula anyone would recommend?

    Hydrolyzed protein is preferred PWO as its rapidly absorbed, but it does taste kinda shitty.  Carb powders are also a great idea - I found dextrose to be cheap (about $20 for 10 pounds) and at 60g a scoop it lasts a long time.  Gotta do some googling to save that $$

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Some standard questions…

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