Hi everyone I'm about to start 5/3/1 next week and was wondering of the people who already use it, what's the best spreadsheet to use for logging and tracking your progress? Thank you
training log
Hi everyone I'm about to start 5/3/1 next week and was wondering of the people who already use it, what's the best spreadsheet to use for logging and tracking your progress? Thank you
I've always made my own personally and tracked my progress through my training journal.
+1, I set up a basic spreadsheet as he outlines in the book (for just the main lifts). I track accessory movements and any other notes in a training journal.
i have a super basic spreadsheet (weight x reps) that i use for my PRs each weeki print off my prescribed sets with : http://blackironbeast.com/5/3/1/calculatorstick it in my notepad and write everything down during the workout. gives me something to do in rest periods, and makes it a bunch easier to track progress over the weeks