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  • #4455

    mr a j dickinson

    Im 30, from the UK.Came across backloading through a friend and got right into the principles of it. From there I bought the Carb Nite book off amazon to see what the difference was. Thought I'd give it a go first to drop some bodyfat then switch to backloading after the 6 month phase. I train about three times a week but will switch to the SW protocol when some new equipment comes. Don't like gyms as they piss me off waiting for equipment ;DIm 6ft, 204lbs (pre 10 day prep phase / 194lbs after prep). Reckon I'm about 18-20% bodyfat so looking to drop quite a bit then put on some mass later.What kind of mass gains has anyone else made on carb nite?


    Jack O'Neill

    The best for you is to use CBL to gain mass with a little fat lossI'm under CNS since several weeks and I didn't take any gram of muscle. It seems to be actually....



    Im 30, from the UK.Came across backloading through a friend and got right into the principles of it. From there I bought the Carb Nite book off amazon to see what the difference was. Thought I'd give it a go first to drop some bodyfat then switch to backloading after the 6 month phase. I train about three times a week but will switch to the SW protocol when some new equipment comes. Don't like gyms as they piss me off waiting for equipment ;DIm 6ft, 204lbs (pre 10 day prep phase / 194lbs after prep). Reckon I'm about 18-20% bodyfat so looking to drop quite a bit then put on some mass later.What kind of mass gains has anyone else made on carb nite?

    CNS is primarily for fat loss/muscle maintainence however some of us HAVE made a few gains in size and strength, which i could personally testify; Buts it's better to drop the bf % on CNS and transition to CBL SA or DB which is really where the muscle growth picks up.  Just stick to your plan and you will be there in no time.Welcome to the forums and good luck!


    Lesli Bortz

    CNS is primarily for fat loss/muscle maintainence however some of us HAVE made a few gains in size and strength, which i could personally testify; Buts it's better to drop the bf % on CNS and transition to CBL SA or DB which is really where the muscle growth picks up.  Just stick to your plan and you will be there in no time.Welcome to the forums and good luck!

    +1If you do decide the CBL route I would think having controlled backloads would be key if you want to lose weight at the same time. But based on your goals CNS would be a great start and then it only gets better from there with CBL.


    mr a j dickinson

    Yeah, I'm think if I get used to eating CNS and lose the weight then later on CBL I will be leaner and able to see any growth much better. hopefully then spurring me on.Plus If I start on one Carb Nite a week, then go onto CBL it will seem like heaven eating like that 🙂thank you for the inputs 🙂



    Yeah, I'm think if I get used to eating CNS and lose the weight then later on CBL I will be leaner and able to see any growth much better. hopefully then spurring me on.Plus If I start on one Carb Nite a week, then go onto CBL it will seem like heaven eating like that 🙂thank you for the inputs 🙂

    Oh its heaven alright 🙂

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