Pop Diet Culture Starting to Catch Up?

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    Brandon D Christ

    Eh, I have been hearing the “little of healthy fats” idea for a while.  Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.



    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while.  Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    +1I think people deserve to be miserable and overweight if they don't do any real research and take a general interest in their body... it's the greatest machine on the planet, and apparently also the most over looked! (in the USA at least  lol)


    Brandon D Christ

    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while.  Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    +1I think people deserve to be miserable and overweight if they don't do any real research and take a general interest in their body... it's the greatest machine on the planet, and apparently also the most over looked! (in the USA at least  lol)

    I suppose you are right, but I would like it if the REAL healthy foods (grass fed beef in particular) were as accessible as the fake healthy foods like whole grains and organic whatever.



    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while.  Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    +1I think people deserve to be miserable and overweight if they don't do any real research and take a general interest in their body... it's the greatest machine on the planet, and apparently also the most over looked! (in the USA at least  lol)

    I suppose you are right, but I would like it if the REAL healthy foods (grass fed beef in particular) were as accessible as the fake healthy foods like whole grains and organic whatever.

    Very true... and i bet if it was then it would be cheaper (if their was a higher demand for it). 


    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while.  Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    +1I think people deserve to be miserable and overweight if they don't do any real research and take a general interest in their body... it's the greatest machine on the planet, and apparently also the most over looked! (in the USA at least  lol)

    Obesity is a worldwide problem...People don't like to educate themselves.  Most prefer to be spoonfed everything, and taken care of by their government, while at the same time jumping on trendy government-bashing bandwagons.Conlusion?  A lot of people are idiots, without any semblance of their own opinion.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while.  Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    +1I think people deserve to be miserable and overweight if they don't do any real research and take a general interest in their body... it's the greatest machine on the planet, and apparently also the most over looked! (in the USA at least  lol)

    Obesity is a worldwide problem...People don't like to educate themselves.  Most prefer to be spoonfed everything, and taken care of by their government, while at the same time jumping on trendy government-bashing bandwagons.Conlusion?  A lot of people are idiots, without any semblance of their own opinion.Cory

    I don't really blame some people though.  The garbage that the medical profession and the Gov't spew is so constant and coming from people that are "supposed" to be experts on the matter.  Honestly, whenever I start telling people that bacon isn't bad for them, I can tell by the way they react that they think I am similiar to some kind of space cadet that probably also thinks that 9/11 was a government conspiracy!


    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while.  Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    +1I think people deserve to be miserable and overweight if they don't do any real research and take a general interest in their body... it's the greatest machine on the planet, and apparently also the most over looked! (in the USA at least  lol)

    Obesity is a worldwide problem...People don't like to educate themselves.  Most prefer to be spoonfed everything, and taken care of by their government, while at the same time jumping on trendy government-bashing bandwagons.Conlusion?  A lot of people are idiots, without any semblance of their own opinion.Cory

    I don't really blame some people though.  The garbage that the medical profession and the Gov't spew is so constant and coming from people that are "supposed" to be experts on the matter.  Honestly, whenever I start telling people that bacon isn't bad for them, I can tell by the way they react that they think I am similiar to some kind of space cadet that probably also thinks that 9/11 was a government conspiracy!

    No, by all means, some people have the right to be pissed.  They do their homework, and have valid reason to be angry.  Others want the gov't to care for them, complain when it doesn't -- they don't do any homework or try to help themselves.  A lot of it is laziness.I hear you re: the bacon.  I get that look when I talk about not eating breakfast.  LOL.Cory



    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while.  Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    +1I think people deserve to be miserable and overweight if they don't do any real research and take a general interest in their body... it's the greatest machine on the planet, and apparently also the most over looked! (in the USA at least  lol)

    Obesity is a worldwide problem...People don't like to educate themselves.  Most prefer to be spoonfed everything, and taken care of by their government, while at the same time jumping on trendy government-bashing bandwagons.Conlusion?  A lot of people are idiots, without any semblance of their own opinion.Cory

    I don't really blame some people though.  The garbage that the medical profession and the Gov't spew is so constant and coming from people that are "supposed" to be experts on the matter.  Honestly, whenever I start telling people that bacon isn't bad for them, I can tell by the way they react that they think I am similiar to some kind of space cadet that probably also thinks that 9/11 was a government conspiracy!

    No, by all means, some people have the right to be pissed.  They do their homework, and have valid reason to be angry.  Others want the gov't to care for them, complain when it doesn't -- they don't do any homework or try to help themselves.  A lot of it is laziness.I hear you re: the bacon.  I get that look when I talk about not eating breakfast.  LOL.Cory

    what the fuck are you doing bro???  breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you should be eating ALL of your carbs as soon as you can, what the hell are you doing with your life!?!?  lol   


    what the fuck are you doing bro???  breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you should be eating ALL of your carbs as soon as you can, what the hell are you doing with your life!?!?  lol 

    LOL.I don't know, I just don't know.  I feel so lost.  😛Perhaps I should help Big Al, in the back of the locker room, with sales.  Promising future.  😉Cory



    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while. 

    Oh ya, absolutely. Personally, it's the first I've heard/read of fat intake being correlated to weight management though.

    Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    Don't hold your breath...If you happen to hold your breath while you sleep.


    Brandon D Christ

    Eh, I have been hearing the "little of healthy fats" idea for a while. 

    Oh ya, absolutely. Personally, it's the first I've heard/read of fat intake being correlated to weight management though.

    Wake me up when they discover that  saturated fat (from animal sources) are good for you and that meat is the healthiest food group.

    Don't hold your breath...If you happen to hold your breath while you sleep.

    Haha you're best Chet.  One thing that does look promising is coconut oil.  It is almost considred hip and trendy nowadays. 

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Pop Diet Culture Starting to Catch Up?

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