CBL less efficient when never training day after backload?

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    Aka training every other day.From the second paragraph of Chapter 38: Carb-Loading Mealtimes:"Food-wise, the goal is to supply the nutrientsnecessary to support the anabolic signaling triggered with trainingand to refill glycogen levels for the next-day’s training."I'm a CBL newbie used to MWF lifting sessions.


    Brandon D Christ

    Aka training every other day.From the second paragraph of Chapter 38: Carb-Loading Mealtimes:"Food-wise, the goal is to supply the nutrientsnecessary to support the anabolic signaling triggered with trainingand to refill glycogen levels for the next-day’s training."I'm a CBL newbie used to MWF lifting sessions.

    This is why Kiefer says you may have to backload on a off day if you have several off days in a row, however you'll be fine.



    He also says to not load on off days unless you have 2 consecutive off days. The glycogen will help stop muscle breakdown from your workout and also provide fuel for repair. It stays in your muscles for fuel for 24 to 36 hours I believe, barring an intense physical workload that is.RB



    He also says to not load on off days unless you have 2 consecutive off days. The glycogen will help stop muscle breakdown from your workout and also provide fuel for repair. It stays in your muscles for fuel for 24 to 36 hours I believe, barring an intense physical workload that is.RB

    Yeah, I have no problem with the ULC off-days, and I make sure to get some carbs in if I do have consecutive rest days (doesn't happen very often anymore). I'm just curious if I would be better suited by training on consecutive days, rather than my current MWF (or every other day) setup.



    If you look at the shockwave and Heavy Duty for CBL protocols they are 5 consecutive days so the impression I get is that you should not have multiple rest days per week, ideally that is.RB

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CBL less efficient when never training day after backload?

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