Cholesterol Teen Update Help

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    Alki Anastassiou

    So I am 16.
    HDL came back at 6.4 and my doctor said that is high.
    He told me to follow a low cholesterol diet for 8 weeks and the do another lipid test.
    He also is against a high saturated fat diet eg CBL/CNS/Keto (not much of a surprise)
    Any advice is appreciated


    Tony Sangimino

    Saturated fats are not mandatory. That being said your LDL is more important to monitor.

    Higher HDL could be from many factors. Since I have no real specifics, I’ll be vague:

    Diversify your fat sources
    Get some kind of heart-friendly conditioning in

    That’s really it!



    i agree with Tony Sangimino, however i do understand what you are talking about, due to the fact that i also have been diagnosed having high cholesterol at a young age (only 19 years old) and i have been told that this was mostly due to genetics and of course due to the fact that i was not really having a healthy lifestyle. i have been told that i need to start one so i have been put on a lowering cholesterol diet and after a while when doc said my cholesterol has been a bit lowered but not enough, he gave me a statin drug which worked on me. i am not trying to say that you also need drugs or whatever, i’m just trying to say that sometimes diets is not enough and that high cholesterol can be something you have genetic. i wish you good luck !


    Robert Haas

    So I am 16.
    HDL came back at 6.4 and my doctor said that is high.
    He told me to follow a low cholesterol diet for 8 weeks and the do another lipid test.
    He also is against a high saturated fat diet eg CBL/CNS/Keto (not much of a surprise)
    Any advice is appreciated

    High HDL is a positive risk factor. High = good.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.

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