My own personal belief.. I think if you’re overweight.. and inactive.. your carb nites should be every 2 weeks. If you’re overweight and active.. it should be every week. I was inactive.. and the carb nite every week wasn’t enough recovery time. But every 2 weeks, I’ve noticed results.
Kiefer suggests that after your carb nite, you want to go back to “normal” asap. That means, HIIT, and eating things that causes your insulin to become resistant.. so that your insulin doesn’t change much.. and keeps low.
Personally.. I find it difficult recently to do any kind of exercise.. so I spread out my carb nites. My carb nites are also not the same. So what I do.. is in 2 weeks.. I do a small carb nite (nothing big.. nothing fancy.. just something that keeps me satieted). Then two weeks after.. I go crazy. Then 2 weeks after that.. small carb nite.
This routine has been working for me. But for my ULC days, it’s grass fed butter.. and free range – pasture raised eggs.