Mouth Breathing

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  • #93526

    Brandon D Christ

    Tested out the device.  It works really well and is super easy to make.  All you do is cut off the top of a 20 ounce bottle, drill a hole in the cap so you can stick a hose in it, fill up a container with water, and stick the other end of the bottle in the container.  I only used the thing for three 12 minute sessions and I can tell I am breathing much less heavily and my CP when I wake up went from about 10 seconds to 15 seconds.  I also feel calmer and less nervous.  Definately going to be using this over the next few weeks.  It is rough at first, but your body adjusts.



    Tested out the device.  It works really well and is super easy to make.  All you do is cut off the top of a 20 ounce bottle, drill a hole in the cap so you can stick a hose in it, fill up a container with water, and stick the other end of the bottle in the container.  I only used the thing for three 12 minute sessions and I can tell I am breathing much less heavily and my CP when I wake up went from about 10 seconds to 15 seconds.  I also feel calmer and less nervous.  Definately going to be using this over the next few weeks.  It is rough at first, but your body adjusts.

    damn man, that's awesome!  i'll be following this thread if you keep updating it weekly or something.  That's very intersting.  I wonder if it will have positive benefits on your lifting?  (i would imagine) or sleeping at least!


    Eric Shaw

    Tested out the device.  It works really well and is super easy to make.  All you do is cut off the top of a 20 ounce bottle, drill a hole in the cap so you can stick a hose in it, fill up a container with water, and stick the other end of the bottle in the container.  I only used the thing for three 12 minute sessions and I can tell I am breathing much less heavily and my CP when I wake up went from about 10 seconds to 15 seconds.  I also feel calmer and less nervous.  Definately going to be using this over the next few weeks.  It is rough at first, but your body adjusts.

    Hey bob, just curious if you wouldn't mind sharing the protocol? I'm kind of low on money right now and can't afford the book. =)


    Brandon D Christ

    Bumping this thread…I am around 20 seconds now.  While I am having difficulty improving, I have been making improvements and I pretty much breathe out of my nose using my diaphragm all the time.  I rarely feel tired during the day as long as I get enough sleep.  Definitely less nervousness and more energy.  There definitely something to this.



    Will be coming back to read this more later.



    im making the device soon to try it out. anything else that might help?


    Brandon D Christ

    im making the device soon to try it out. anything else that might help?

    When you are using the device it takes a few sessions to get used to the breathing resistance, so start out easy.  If you try to push too hard, you won't improve.  It is just like weight training, stimulate, don't annihilate.

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Mouth Breathing

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