body fat measuring

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    mr a j dickinson

    How do most people on here measure their bodyfat?I've got calipers and read about using a tape measure. need the most accurate way for self measuring. thanks.



    Calipers are very accurate IF (!!!) used by a skilled practitioner.DEXA is good, but impractical and expensive.BodPod is nice, but impossibly hard to find (where I am, at least).Tape measure: If you want to know the actual percentage, then it's no good. If you just want to check whether you are making progress or not, then this is the most practical tool.


    Calipers are very accurate IF (!!!) used by a skilled practitioner.DEXA is good, but impractical and expensive.BodPod is nice, but impossibly hard to find (where I am, at least).Tape measure: If you want to know the actual percentage, then it's no good. If you just want to check whether you are making progress or not, then this is the most practical tool.


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body fat measuring

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