Just got my carb shock boxes and cant wait to start, can you pls just assisst me with the following?
A- I train at 1pm – 3pm carb shock and 4pm back load carbs with 2 meals
last one at 7.30ish, am I better to train at 2pm or 1pm is ideal too?
B- As per CBL the post workout shake consists of 4 different proteins:
casein intact, hydro, whey etc, do I still need to include the 4 with carb
shock for best results along with caffeine? Or one whey protein will
suffice? I use organic bluebonnet 1 scoope and 1 scoope isopure, also never
found casein hydrolysate! Can I also add creatine, glutamine, lycine
and greens powder to it? What is best please?
C- Is it fine to take pre workout stuff like carnitine maybe a pre workout
supp without sugar, beta alanine, green tea extract, coconut oil etc?
Many thanks!