Occasional Endurance Activity

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  • #470231

    Scott Ely

    I’ve been doing CarbNite for the past three weeks and recently picked up Carb Back-Loading to transition to next.

    For the most part, I do kettlebell resistance training 3 to 4 times a week, but a few times a month I will do endurance sports with friends like cycling, climbing or hiking for long periods of time (i.e. 4 to 5 hours).

    During those activities, I get exhausted much more quickly than before I started the diet. In fact, it seems like I’m burning through stores within the first hour and I notice it in both the lack of energy and in muscle fatigue.

    Are there any suggestions for modifications I should make planning for these days? i.e. Diet the night before, or during activity and recovery after? It’s important to me that I can still do these activities, but need to find a solution that will work with the CBL diet. I tried finding some answers in the forum articles, but didn’t find specifics for this scenario.

    Any suggestions or point me to articles would be appreciated.


    Tony Sangimino

    You’d want to go into these sessions pretty full of substrate. So Backloading the night before is a good idea. Some people find it uncomfortable working out the day after a backload or carbnite, but once you adjust to the process you’ll see good results. Adding these in a little more often can go a long way in making sure you’re prepared as well.

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Occasional Endurance Activity

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