Front loading while doing DB?

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    Eric Shaw

    Currently I only train 2 days a week at a PL gym due to busy work & school schedule, but I want to gain as much muscle as I can during those two days. Just came of 6 weeks of CNS and went from 18 to 15% BF and made good strength gains, but don't think it's beyond reasonable to expect that I could gain a few lbs of muscle even with just two days a week. I'm not expecting 20lbs in 3 months, but think it would be realistic with the optimal diet to be able to gain maybe 5 or 10lbs back from muscle memory (I used to have 30lbs more muscle then I do now) in the next 3 or 6 months.I know Kiefer has mentioned do small loads the night before a work out if more than 2 days have passed since the last load & work out.So for example, I trained last night Tuesday and loaded after. My next work out is Friday night. So should I do a small back load Thurs evening, i.e. a cup of white rice with dinner or just not worry about.I still want to keep fat gain to basically zero, while trying to put on as much muscle, but still not sure how important people feel pre-loads are, especially for someone like me who only trains 2 days a week.



    On DB you are supposed to back-load every day, just scale it back when you haven't trained before. Also, fat gain would probably be affected by your current muscle mass and the kind of training you are doing. There is no one size fits all, so still gotta experiment, but I highly doubt you can put on any significant amount of fat with a small back-load.Btw most of what I just said is in the book. I think it will be hard to DB  training only two times a week with zero fat gain, but again that depends on how big you back-loads are and how you train.Perhaps something like SA would be better for you if you are concerned about fat gain, DB really works better for people who kill themselves in the gym.



    Can I ask why you're only lifting 2 days a week if your goal is to gain as much muscle as you can?


    Eric Shaw

    Can I ask why you're only lifting 2 days a week if your goal is to gain as much muscle as you can?

    Schedule, I work 50+ hours a week plus go to school. So that is the best I can do right now. The 2 days I train are at a PL gym and are solid and intense work outs, about as good as one could do with only being able to train two days a week.I just came of of CNS for 6 weeks, went from 18%BF to 15%, and want to try to gain a few lbs of muscle now if possible, but I can only train 2 days.The gist of my question was should I back load the night before if I have 2 or more days since the last load. Kiefer seems to say yes, but I wanted some input since I only train 2 days, didn't know if that might take some of the necessity away due to the lower volume.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yes shokat, if you are doing Density Bulk I would backload the night before and after your workout.  I like to backload about 1 g/lb of carbs on off days while doing DB, but I'm guessing you are gonna go ULC for a day or two during the week?  If so you may need more carbs because you might deplete yourself from being ULC.


    Eric Shaw

    Yes shokat, if you are doing Density Bulk I would backload the night before and after your workout.  I like to backload about 1 g/lb of carbs on off days while doing DB, but I'm guessing you are gonna go ULC for a day or two during the week?  If so you may need more carbs because you might deplete yourself from being ULC.

    Thanks for info. I do have some more questions for you iBob. On your off days, when you are eating 1g/lb of carbs, what does you fat and protein look like, is it still 1:1?  One thing that confused me in the book in the chart  is he has the fat intake at around 30 grams or so on the bakload days, but that is assuming a work out then a load. So what about on off days what does you fat/protein intake look like pre-load, and during the load on the off days?Thanks man.

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Front loading while doing DB?

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