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  • #475531



    Unless I missed it in the book, I see HIIT cardio is ok. I would like to do
    this on 2 of my no lift days and have two questions:
    1) Should HIIT be done in the PM training window (same as lifting) and would
    you treat macros and shakes that day the same as if training with weights or
    use the ‘off day’ diet regiment and stay low carb? I lift M/W/F and looking
    to do HIIT only with Ab work on T/Thurs, and weekends off.
    2)If I decided to do HIIT only in the AM (that would be an off lift day so
    no weights training these days), would the diet and suppliment protocol
    I look thru CBL a few times and did not see anything, so assume it can vary?
    I am 235 lbs, 182 lean mass, that puts me at about 24% BF.
    Looking to add modest lean mass and lose the BF along the way.
    Thinking that AM HIIT on off days might enhance this for usual reasons on
    empty stomach, but not sure how that fits in with CBL and lifting days in
    the PM?

    thanks in advance



    Maybe this can help you, point numero 6. I would treat it like regular training with regards to preventing muscle breakdown. So the usual coffee, isolate and MCT like in the book. Many take BCAA for this reason. Just coming from a beginner so do your own research and don’t follow me blindly lol.


    I was looking on this forum for some HIIT information too, but seems it is a bit dead here. Maybe you can help me? Someone told me that HIIT helps fat oxidation, aka learning your body how to burn fat for energy. Do you know if this is bro science?



    OP have you found something useful? i am currently searching for weight loss medications trying to get something that would actually help me. Can you recommend anything from your findings? thank you!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by HakalaSkott.
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