Breakfast and Kids

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    My oldest son (Joah 7 yo) was getting ready for school and this is our conversation. Me- Joah what do you want for breakfast, mate.Joah - Nothing!Me - What do you mean nothing?Joah - I dont want anything, Im not hungry!Me - But mate, you have to eat something or you will be hungry at school before recess.Joah - But im not hungry!Me - Please? daddy will make just 1 piece of toast with peanut butter at least have a bite out of it. Joah - Ok.And he did. But it got me thinking? As a parent I am already setting my kids up for a life of obesity (not that mine are) and bad diet choices, but then on the other hand if I don't feed the kids breakfast I get a visit from welfare? What kids want bacon and eggs for breakfast? I'm sure CoCo Pops sound much more delicious, in there little (sponge) mind.


    Richard Schmitt

    a fatty protein can work wonders for kids. You don't have to feed them carbs first thing in the morning. I don't have children, but I have two younger brothers I help take care of. So I pretty much make breakfast for them. I try to get them to eat just eggs and bacon or sausage. However, I would go with your gut feeling. I do NOT want you to get in trouble with anyone. If anything try making the little one some scrammbled eggs and cheese. I know in the CNS book it states that kids have gone through studies of eating breakfast and not eating breakfast. Usually the kids who don't eat breakfast seemed to do better by paying attention in class, than those who ate first thing in the morning.


    Brandon D Christ

    I never ate breakfast as a kid.  I didn't until I started the bodybuilding lifestyle when I was in college and now I don't eat breakfast when I am not Density Bulking.


    I never ate breakfast as a kid.  I didn't until I started the bodybuilding lifestyle when I was in college and now I don't eat breakfast when I am not Density Bulking.

    I was the same way, I never ate breakfast until I started trying to "eat healthy". I always felt better just not eating breakfast.


    Brandon D Christ

    I never ate breakfast as a kid.  I didn't until I started the bodybuilding lifestyle when I was in college and now I don't eat breakfast when I am not Density Bulking.

    I was the same way, I never ate breakfast until I started trying to "eat healthy". I always felt better just not eating breakfast.

    I am Density Bulking now and I have small grass fed beef patty (about 20g of protein and 20 g of fat) an hour and a half after my accelerator shake in the morning.  This is about all I can handle until lunch.  I simply can not digest food well until about 11 AM.  I have always been that way.



    I am sometimes able to get some bacon or sausage with egg in my daughter (5 years old) for breakfast but its pretty rare. She usually just asks for cereal and sometimes I give it to her an sometimes the compromise is French toast with whipped cream or something. But she just won't eat something unless she really wants it.



    I have four kiddos. When they were little, I used to make them eat at the usual “meal times.” A few years ago, I began to think that I was teaching to eat off the clock rather than listening to their bodies. And really, they are geniuses at intuitive eating when they are little: they eat when they're hungry and stop when they're full. So, I've been letting them eat when they are hungry, even if that means they don't eat breakfast until a few hours after they've been up, or they want lunch at 2p instead of noon. My only exception is dinner: they have to join us at the dinner table, but they do not have to eat if they are not hungry. However, they must eat dinner before 7p, or they have to wait until the next to eat. (I'm ok with that sort of structure at this age.)With that said, I do try to encourage them to eat breakfast on school mornings bc they may get hungry before they eat lunch at school. But if they choose not to, and they get hungry in class, then they can consider how to change that in the future…probably through eating breakfast.  🙂My kids also eat oatmeal most mornings - they love it. I mix in some nut butter and protein powder, and maybe a few chocolate chips for fun. This meal really does fill them up. They love eggs and bacon as well, when we have time to make it.

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Breakfast and Kids

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