I've been experimenting with nicorrette gum and I have to say I really like it. 4mg seems to be my sweet spot. Just wondering if anyone else has any opinions on this. I'm spending some time writing/blogging and wanted to see how it affected my cognitive function for this activity. As a pre workout it seems to be pretty helpful too. Just different than the typical caffiene / vasodiolator type of effect. Anyone have input to share – positive or negative? i read this article before trying it. http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/50_hits_of_nicotine
Yep been “on it” for the last week or so. Loving it! Ive been taking 2mg on waking, 2mg mid morning after first "meal" and another 2mg mid afternoon. Definately get a bit of a kick in the old brain and a general feeling of calm/well being. Been having some good training sessions as well. Too early to notice any fatloss benefit as yet though.