New here…kind of confused

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    Hello all….I just finished reading the book and I have some questions…..I am an average 5'5″ women 27 years old…and want to lose 30 pounds….I have never lift weights in my life….more like a cardio type thing and of course never got really good results…then I tried P90X2 and worked really well but I got busy with work and couldn't keep the plan so I gained all back…then I tried 5 small meals a day with carb cycling and it got REALLY confusing….and here I am… So if I understood correctly, I should start with the 10 day no carb phase right? Should I work out with weights or should I do more low resisting workout during this phase? These workouts should be in the afternoon also right? After that phase, I should start with the CBL phase right? Why are there some people asking if it is better to do CNS program? is it better for women? I should  drink all the shakes but not the snacks right? I would be really grateful if a woman (or anyone) could walk me through which are the right steps to take or how your meal plan looks...I know is a lot to ask...but I am LOST! And need help!!! Thank you!!!!



    Welcome aboard. Have you purchased either of the books? I would imagine that if your main goal is fat loss then CNS will be for you. There is a womens area here for posting questions and also forums with peoples meal plans. Everything you need is here, but now that I think about it I believe it is in the members only area, so that means you have not yet purchased a book. My suggestion, Carb Night.RB



    I got the CBL book not the CNS….so I guess I will have to purchase the other book…



    Hi Paolagarcia! I would think that carb nite is the book for you at this point in time, if fat loss is your goal.



    Wait and get more suggestions from the ladies. Don't waste money if you don't have to.RB


    Richard Schmitt

    Hello all....I just finished reading the book and I have some questions.....I am an average 5'5" women 27 years old...and want to lose 30 pounds....I have never lift weights in my life....more like a cardio type thing and of course never got really good results...then I tried P90X2 and worked really well but I got busy with work and couldn't keep the plan so I gained all back...then I tried 5 small meals a day with carb cycling and it got REALLY confusing....and here I am... WELCOME! Oh P90X2? Sorry hopefully you didn't spend too much on that...hope we can help you!So if I understood correctly, I should start with the 10 day no carb phase right?YES! You're aiming for 0g of Carbs per day, with a 1:1 in grams for FATS & PROTEINS each whole food meal. Aiming to get about .8g per Body Weight or 1g of Lean Mass of Protein, matching it Fat of course. Should I work out with weights or should I do more low resisting workout during this phase? You can, it's a personal perference to be honest. It shouldn't be a high volume type routine, however...women tend to hold onto Glycogen stores a lot more then men do, so by doing a typical higher-volume routine, with HIIT added to it, your body will burn through those stores fairly quick and go straigh to burning fat. Thus why the P90X2 probably worked so well. These workouts should be in the afternoon also right? Yes ideally after 3pm, and between 6pm. After that phase, I should start with the CBL phase right? Why are there some people asking if it is better to do CNS program? is it better for women? I should  drink all the shakes but not the snacks right? Women can get away with CBL in a way, you can't really backload much like men can which is the horrible truth. Carb Nite Solution (CNS) is a better program for women, especially if the main goal is to lose body fat. can be a great source for more information, if you search for Kiefer or Biojacked, and look up the Weddings Podcast, he'll go more in depth of what I mean. The charts/meal plans are a bit confusing but set up a good guideline. The shakes should only consist of the PWO Shake, which would be whey isolate, leucine, and creatine. Pretty much all you need if you're going Ultra Low Carb (ULC)I would be really grateful if a woman (or anyone) could walk me through which are the right steps to take or how your meal plan looks...I know is a lot to ask...but I am LOST! And need help!!! Thank you!!!!



    I read here abt a women's section that is members only. I have the book, how do I get into that group??

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