Supplements (what to get and best price)

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    Just getting into CBL, stoked about it. Just finished going over the essentials and noticed quite a bit of supplements are recommended. Being a college kid, I don't have money at the moment (going to give cbl a shot without them til I save up enough) for all of them. But to be prepared for when I do, can anyone direct me to where I can get each supp for cheapest (or best deal I should say)? Also would love to hear what's considered the best brands. I'd ask which supps exactly but I don't mind going back through the book and making the list myself. Thanks in advance!



    even if you are in college id def get some creatine, its dirt cheap. try or you can also get it pretty cheap on dont get any fancy stuff, just plain old monohydrate.  you can probably get some cheap protein on too. not the greatest but its better than nothing. leucine is pretty cheap and you can get it on tn or pf but you can prob do without it. also get some dextrose for postworkout, also dirt cheap. tn or pf should have it



    preciate it!



    I would definitly get leucine. It is proven to initiate mTOR response on its own, which is one of the key mechanisms that makes CBL work. It's pretty cheap


    Definitely TrueNutrition, Nutraplanet or Protein Factory.TN has coupon codes as well. AND028 will save you 5% off, for example.

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Supplements (what to get and best price)

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