Heavy weights (5/3/1) on vlc (CNS)

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    Is it me, or do other people see a drop in power/strength during CNS ?If so ( and considering your running 5/3/1 ) how would you tweak it to fit your dietI am allready on my third straight re-intro (vlc) day, and I feel like hell. Plus Ive got tons of muscle soreness that I havint had since HS football (many many moons ago). Was sapposed to pull 465x3 but could only manage 3 and 1/2 singles. 3 weeks prior , on CBL I pulled 475x3.



    Seems like you had success with CBL, why did you switch?



    A few things First off i went on vacation and gained some fluff. I also wasn't dropping any real weight on CBL, and I have some fights comming up so my weight has to be right


    Lesli Bortz

    I've had great strength gains – BUT it's from a female perspective.



    I you feel weak, try having a CN every 5th night. However if you have fights/meets and your numbers are suffering then I woud do CBL- SA. Also have you read the post by Jesse Burdick, in short try to do your max lifts 3-4 day out from a CN. Here is the link. http://www.dangerouslyhardcore.com/2113/carb-nite-how-you-can-and-should-get-stronger/



    Gotcha ! I usually run a 2day 5/3/1 split and would have to carbnite on sunday so monday and wensday I can be sharp. Worse comes to wrose I can allways scale back 10 %.  If I can get around the weight I want ( 19lbs less from today )  I'll switch to back to CBL-SA Thanks bud !



    No problem. Hope you meet and exceed your goals.



    I had great success in making a few PRs on Carb nite,  i would say only a few things attributed to that: 1) sticking to it, not screwing up my ULC meals and eating carbs2) ADJUSTING.  It was a big mental thing for me so once i got used to it, it was normal going without carbs.3) VOLUME!  with or without carbs this matters... i noticed that when i lowered the Volume and aimed for much more intense workouts i realized i could put more effort into what i was doing and not only that, i could actually recover from my workouts without carbs.  And when you lift heavy shit, that is not an easy task to do!Cheers



    My strength has gone up in squat and bench so.ce doing CNS. My dead however has gone down, now there are a number of factors that I could guess as to why my dead is weaker. First reason is that my dead day is generally towards end of the week after a heavy squat and bench day, so by that point carbs are depleted, I adjusted and moved it to within 3 days of eating carbs, still feels weaker. The nxt reason I can guess us that my gut has shrank and I don't have as much push in my belt at the bottom as I used to. I think there is a combination of things and as I continue to lose inches I will have to relearn how to deadliftvwith a new body. Don't know if that helped, just my opinion.

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Heavy weights (5/3/1) on vlc (CNS)

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