Polyphasic Sleep Patterns

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    Has anyone ever experimented with polyphasic sleep?I did the 20 min nap every six hours protocol for about six weeks. I can't remember most of it, but I do remember that it was the most productive six weeks ever, and that I had so much spare time I took up painting.Anyway, I'm considering a bi-phasic sleep cycle with a nap around mid day, or a tri phasic sleep cycle.Just thought I'd put that out there in case anyone else finds this kinda stuff interesting 🙂



    a friend of mine studying way back in the day about 5 years ago told me about this… he was going to school for something related to psychology and they were saying that sleeping once every few hours was the most optimal way to sleep, however most of us probably don't have that convenience.  But yea, that's just what i heard.


    Has anyone ever experimented with polyphasic sleep?I did the 20 min nap every six hours protocol for about six weeks. I can't remember most of it, but I do remember that it was the most productive six weeks ever, and that I had so much spare time I took up painting.Anyway, I'm considering a bi-phasic sleep cycle with a nap around mid day, or a tri phasic sleep cycle.Just thought I'd put that out there in case anyone else finds this kinda stuff interesting 🙂

    I advised a forum member about this here:http://dangerouslyhardcore.com/forum/index.php?topic=5489.msg58940#msg58940Cory



    Thanks Cory. Okay, so not getting six hours sleep at a time f**ks up GH release . . . Makes you wonder if the body would not adapt to the poly-phasic sleep patterns over time.


    Thanks Cory. Okay, so not getting six hours sleep at a time f**ks up GH release . . . Makes you wonder if the body would not adapt to the poly-phasic sleep patterns over time.

    Actually, biphasic sleep is really natural. Many people with a proper Circadian rhythm will go through strages of light sleep, REM sleep, Deep Sleep, Light sleep, wake, repeat.If you want to start trying sleep patterns like that I'd highly recommend a zeo.


    Thanks Cory. Okay, so not getting six hours sleep at a time f**ks up GH release . . . Makes you wonder if the body would not adapt to the poly-phasic sleep patterns over time.

    1 REM sleep cycle is 2 hours.  GH is released in that amount of time.  However, a full recouperative GH release requires at least 3 full back-to-back cycles.The body is an efficient machine.  I am sure, over time, that it will find some way to compensate.  However, those compensations aren't always preferable.  Take serious calorie restriction, for instance... yes, the body will burn fat, but over the long-haul, you will burn through lean muscle tissue as well.There is always a better way.  Despite what anyone says about bi-phasic sleeping, I will stick to the old 6-8 hours a night method.Cory



    Interesting that you mention the 'old' 6-8 hr sleep cycle … Literature indicates that before we had electricity, in the winter people would go to sleep at dusk (4-6 pm) and wake at midnight (aka dead sleep), then they would nap again before dawn (aka second sleep). 


    Interesting that you mention the 'old' 6-8 hr sleep cycle ... Literature indicates that before we had electricity, in the winter people would go to sleep at dusk (4-6 pm) and wake at midnight (aka dead sleep), then they would nap again before dawn (aka second sleep).

    Yep, and that old way got them a good 6-8 hours.  That is proper sleep, and good for GH.Any extra naps are just icing on the cake, if you NEED them.  Then again, back then, people tended to work much harder than the lazy, priveleged fucks today.Cory


    Eric Shaw

    Interesting that you mention the 'old' 6-8 hr sleep cycle ... Literature indicates that before we had electricity, in the winter people would go to sleep at dusk (4-6 pm) and wake at midnight (aka dead sleep), then they would nap again before dawn (aka second sleep).

    That is so cool you mentioned that Fairy, because that reminded me of many times when I've been home sick with the flu, or just was tired and fell asleep 6pm and then woke around midnight full of energy, but kind of irked knowing that I had to go to work at 7am. So I would sit up for an hour or two watching TV or reading, then finally get tired enough to fall back to sleep around 2 or 3am and would wake up feeling refreshed. I had no idea this was actually normal and a good thing, because I always tried to avoid doing that to prevent me being wide awake at 3am knowing I have to work in the morning. lol

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Polyphasic Sleep Patterns

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