CBL Prep phase length

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    I am starting the CBL program. I am into day 3 of the prep phase and doing well.My question is regarding the length of the prep phase. Is it an assumption that one is starting the prep from not having any prior program and/or high BF%  ?I just finished a 25 week carb cycling program that got me down to about 6-7% BF, I held that for most of the summer and about 6 weeks ago backed off a little and allowed myself to gain about 4% BF (about 10lb). I am intrigued by the CBL and want to give it a try, but considering my BF is still relatively low compared to most guys my age, and am more active than most guys my age, is it necessary to run the full 10 days? I think my body will adapt to the low carbs much faster than someone coming from regular eating habits..... am i wrong?



    Just do the 10 days. It will allow everything to work better.


    Richard Schmitt

    10 Full Days. No more no less…


    Richard Schmitt

    Instead of just tossing that out there and even though it's mentioned why throughout the forums I'll explain it again. Doesn't matter the body fat or age, if this is your first time doing the Prep-Phase then do the Ten Full Days, getting 1:1 in grams of proteins and fats each whole food meal. Shooting for 0g of carbs per day. The body is trying to switch from carbs to using fats/body fat as the main energy source, plus depleting your glycogen stores of carbs.



    I just prepped for a bodybuilding competition and got around 6% and I'm re doing the prep phase as well. Except I'm still training hard every day and I've done three days of HIIT 30 minutes before i trained. It's been pretty rough. Haha so I'm only doing 6.5 days of it because kiefer said the process could be shortened with HIIT. However, this is also my second prep phase I've done.

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CBL Prep phase length

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