Its been a while since I've had a class that I had to do conversions in, so I figured I'd ask help from you guys. Got my creatine and leucine in today. The shakes outlined have the amounts of the creatine and leucine in grams, but all I have is stuff measured in cups/mL or tabllespoons. Sooo 3g of either supp is ? mL? and 5g of either is ? mL?
Its been a while since I've had a class that I had to do conversions in, so I figured I'd ask help from you guys. Got my creatine and leucine in today. The shakes outlined have the amounts of the creatine and leucine in grams, but all I have is stuff measured in cups/mL or tabllespoons. Sooo 3g of either supp is ? mL? and 5g of either is ? mL?
1 gram = 1 mL so 3 grams is 3 mLalso1 gram = .00423 cupsSo using mL might be easier 😀and 3 grams is 2 Tbsp