Election time

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    Its the same way with the fitness industry like they discussed in the last podcast with Bret. Instead of getting egos involved and completely being biased against someone elses, or science, decision. Actually have a logical argument without personal attacks and disrespecting someone else's viewpoint.

    Nutrition is almost as bad as politics.  People are really passionate and irrational about Nutrition and to a lesser extent, training.

    I just don't have the patience for people's lack of education, ego, and inability to be open-minded.  This is what makes conversing with the "average joe" difficult. There are a lot of uneducated people out there ranting and voicing there opinions and it really makes no sense why they speak to begin with.  I wouldn't be putting myself out there in a conversation to which my knowledge base is completely intermittent... 

    Yeah I definitely agree. You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themself. That's for sure. One of my friends always say "People are gonna do...What people want to do." Very simple, yet true. Haha




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Election time

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