I have been using CNS for about 2 months and while my strength has gone up; Im not getting any leaner. I almost feel/look like Im getting squishy, if that makes sense. Anyone else experience that and if so any suggestions?
THAT IS GOOOD!!!!Squishy fat = liquidating fat = losing fatHappens to me before I suddenly drop fat.All I would say is to try to bulletproof the diet: BulletproofExec.com
THAT IS GOOOD!!!!Squishy fat = liquidating fat = losing fatHappens to me before I suddenly drop fat.All I would say is to try to bulletproof the diet: BulletproofExec.com
Not yet! I've sources my own high quality coffee for now
I'm debating
I have. It's really good, and I noticed a little clearer energy from it.My dad who is highly allergic to mold noticed the biggest difference, less aches and pains, better taste, much better energy.
Not yet! I've sources my own high quality coffee for now
I'm debating
I have. It's really good, and I noticed a little clearer energy from it.My dad who is highly allergic to mold noticed the biggest difference, less aches and pains, better taste, much better energy.
Do you add anything to it? (It already has the MCT + GF Butter in it right?)Does it come ground?
I would have 1 cup a day with MCT + GF butter.On Saturdays when I'm stuck at work longer and don't get a chance to eat till almost 5 I take a thermos of BFC using 1/2 stick of butter and 1 tbsp of MCT.I do drink it black too, it's really good.It's whole bean.