Problems with waking up and having juice

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    I am looking for some evidence/links that waking up and starting the morning with a glass of apple or orange juice is not good for you. Relevant to overweight women if possible. This person also wakes up every day with sinus issues. Any help much appreciated. 


    Damon Amato

    Nothing to do with older human, its as simple as timing for when cortisol is highest and insulin is most sensitive, coupled with an introduction of carbohydrates that will cause an insulin response and stop grehlin signaling. There are other reasons not to have juice in the morning or ever for that matter, but this is plenty of reason not to. Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2



    Yup. D is totally right.For one, orange juice is rated 100 on the GI index. That info has been around for years . . .  that's not even taking into account timing or sugar type!!Ask her to stop doing it for a week (it will be hard to start with, until the body adapts) and she will feel better.


    Brandon D Christ

    I am looking for some evidence/links that waking up and starting the morning with a glass of apple or orange juice is not good for you. Relevant to overweight women if possible. This person also wakes up every day with sinus issues. Any help much appreciated.

    Essentially you will stop the perfect fat burning state that exists in the morning if you have anything that causes an insulin release.  This not only applies to women, but every human.



    I am looking for some evidence/links that waking up and starting the morning with a glass of apple or orange juice is not good for you.

    .Well you came to the right place!  we have been bashing fructose for quite some time now  ...  8)

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Problems with waking up and having juice

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