Wow I need some help moving from CNS to CBL

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    So I have been doing CNS for about 4 months and have lost roughly 50lbs (5'11″ @210 was 260) and I am looking to start CBL.  I have read the book but I am having some trouble getting everything to sink in.  From what I can understand I basically stay on the CNS for the first part of the day until i workout then hit the carbs hard.  Heavy weight and low reps, and so on.My questions are:How often do i do the workouts 3 days 5 days?how heavy do i really go on the carbs a box of doughnuts or 2?how do i handle off days? CNS style eating?what is a good workout routine chest/back legs/arms?I have been out of the game for about 10 years and I'm having trouble getting back in because it seems so much has changed.any help would be great Thanks


    How often to workout is up to you.If it's been awhile I'd keep it easy and just do push/pull/legs each once a week.Maybe do something like stronglifts 5X5.The amount of carbs will vary from person to person, you will just have to find out what works best for you.Off days would be ULC.



    So I have been doing CNS for about 4 months and have lost roughly 50lbs (5'11" @210 was 260) and I am looking to start CBL.  I have read the book but I am having some trouble getting everything to sink in.  From what I can understand I basically stay on the CNS for the first part of the day until i workout then hit the carbs hard.  Heavy weight and low reps, and so on.My questions are:How often do i do the workouts 3 days 5 days?how heavy do i really go on the carbs a box of doughnuts or 2?how do i handle off days? CNS style eating?what is a good workout routine chest/back legs/arms?I have been out of the game for about 10 years and I'm having trouble getting back in because it seems so much has changed.any help would be great Thanks

    I am sure all of these questions are answered in the book if you have it.A lot of training protocol is personal preference, but it's recommended that you at least lift heavy a couple sets close to, if not, failure for tglut response to effectively use the carbs PWO.  There are two different styles of back loading so you must first pick which suits you and that will determine if you back load or not on non-training dailys, per your specific goals.As for training, what is your previous experience , what kind of weight are you moviong?  would you consider yourself novice or intermediate (or in between) ?  This helps get an idea of what level you are on.



    So I have been doing CNS for about 4 months and have lost roughly 50lbs (5'11" @210 was 260) and I am looking to start CBL.  I have read the book but I am having some trouble getting everything to sink in.  From what I can understand I basically stay on the CNS for the first part of the day until i workout then hit the carbs hard.  Heavy weight and low reps, and so on.My questions are:How often do i do the workouts 3 days 5 days?how heavy do i really go on the carbs a box of doughnuts or 2?how do i handle off days? CNS style eating?what is a good workout routine chest/back legs/arms?I have been out of the game for about 10 years and I'm having trouble getting back in because it seems so much has changed.any help would be great Thanks

    I am sure all of these questions are answered in the book if you have it.A lot of training protocol is personal preference, but it's recommended that you at least lift heavy a couple sets close to, if not, failure for tglut response to effectively use the carbs PWO.  There are two different styles of back loading so you must first pick which suits you and that will determine if you back load or not on non-training dailys, per your specific goals.As for training, what is your previous experience , what kind of weight are you moviong?  would you consider yourself novice or intermediate (or in between) ?  This helps get an idea of what level you are on.

    The last time I was in the gym doing any kind of lifting was 2000-2001 when I was in high school, mainly doing weights for swimming practice, so not a lot of really heavy lifting.  And I am looking  to add muscle to help burn off the remaining fat that i have stored in my mid-section.



    And I am sure most of these questions are answered in the book but I have read through it completely twice and have skimmed a few sections three or four times but a lot of it is going over my head.



    And I am sure most of these questions are answered in the book but I have read through it completely twice and have skimmed a few sections three or four times but a lot of it is going over my head.

    Well if your going to back load then i would only do it on training nights.  I am assuming you are less than 20% bodyfat?  I believe the book gives you the amount of carbs per back load which you can tweak if you start to gain body fat back... Since you haven't lifted in 10+ years then just about any type of lifting should produce some noticeable difference. My advice would be hit it hard for a few months - incorporate at least two sets of heavy lifts, no matter if your benching 135 or 335 ... do a few low rep/heavy sets to make sure your back loads are efficient and keep reading the book till every question you have is answered.  preparation is essential!  and pay attention to how you feel.  keep a log if you can


    Lesli Bortz

    So I have been doing CNS for about 4 months and have lost roughly 50lbs (5'11" @210 was 260) <--- Congrats!! That's a huge accomplishment! and I am looking to start CBL.  I have read the book but I am having some trouble getting everything to sink in. <---Understandable. After the first few months, read it again and it'll make more sense. I found for myself that it takes putting the protocol into practice before things really solidify. From what I can understand I basically stay on the CNS for the first part of the day until i workout then hit the carbs hard.  Heavy weight and low reps, and so on. <---Essentially. I think the ratio is a little less fat on the days you CBL but don't quote me. Workouts should be heavy and intense.My questions are:How often do i do the workouts 3 days 5 days? <---However many days you want to work heavy do i really go on the carbs a box of doughnuts or 2? <---Be careful. This isn't CNS and you CANNOT treat it like it is or you will gain fat. Start with moderate do i handle off days? CNS style eating?what is a good workout routine chest/back legs/arms?I have been out of the game for about 10 years and I'm having trouble getting back in because it seems so much has changed.any help would be great Thanks

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Wow I need some help moving from CNS to CBL

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