Bone spurs

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    I was wondering if anyone else has had them before. About 6 months ago I was going from doc to doc trying to get a solution for my shoulder pain which at times was pretty bad. I hooked into a great physiotherapist who sent me to a specialist for an assessment and to get xrays and an ultrasound. The end result was that I had bone spurs in both shoulders digging into the tendons. Since then I have been taking time off both diet (still using the basics to maintain) and dealing with life/work. I have tried a few things to see if I can help them heal naturally like cal-mag supplementation (did not make any noticeable difference) and now acid a cal which I am about 1/4 ways through (again no appreciable difference) so I know I am going to most likely end up going in for surgery to cure the issue. I was wondering if anyone else has run into a similar issue and what they ended up doing if anything to aid in their path to getting rid of them. I did have a cortisone shot which helped with the swelling in the tendon but it came back just not quite as bad as I have been avoiding any overhead work.


    Lesli Bortz

    My husband had surgery for a bone spur in his elbow two months ago. It's worth the surgery – at least for elbow pain. His other elbow is having issues and most likely will need the same surgery. It's like night and day.

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Bone spurs

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