RIP Sergio Oliva

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    Frankly, I prefer the classic physique.  I have all the respect in the world for the current pros, but I just prefer that classic look.  Go back even further, pre-steroids... look at guys like John Grimek, Clancy Ross, Reg Park, Steve Reeves, etc.  A strong testament to what the human body can achieve with lots of food (and lots of raw milk) + one hard-ass work ethic!Cory

    Sorry to say it, but the first mentioning of testosterone propionate injections for weightlifters are from the 1930s. AFAIK, Reg Park and John Grimek have both admitted to Dianabol or where mentioned by others as being a part in the "testing" phase of Dianabol.

    Fair enough, but Steve Reeves was an anti-drug advocate, and swore to be clean.Cory



    Fair enough, but Steve Reeves was an anti-drug advocate, and swore to be clean.Cory

    Don't want to discuss this deeply, but two things:1. At the time they came out, nobody knew what "steroids" are. Even Ziegler said that he thought Dianabol was some sort of "super-vitamin". So at the time it was totally fine and no different from us taking beta-alanine or creatine (in the 90s). 2. Arnold is an anti-drug advocate now. After they knew what these things really were, they all shut up about the use. Which is good and ok, but says nothing about the use. I am totally anti-tobacco, I hate smokers and could kick them in the face when they smoke in public places, but I have been a heavy smoker for some years as a teen.  😉Don't get me wrong, I love Reeves, Park, and the others but hey: Arnold was supposedly taking Dianabol by the handful, and here is the best bodybuilder ever next to "natural" Reg Park? No fucking 😉


    Fair enough, I will give you Reg… perhaps even Grimek and Ross (from the 40s)… but Reeves claims he never touched any of that shit.  Now, it is pretty easy to lie… but I believe Reeves.  Just as I believe Mike O'Hearn when he claims to be 100% natural.  There is just something about them as people, and I trust their word as honest truth (even if that sounds a bit naive).  They just give an air about them.Cory


    …claimed, rather (for Reeves).  He is dead.Cory



    Fair enough, I will give you Reg... perhaps even Grimek and Ross (from the 40s)... but Reeves claims he never touched any of that shit.  Now, it is pretty easy to lie... but I believe Reeves.  Just as I believe Mike O'Hearn when he claims to be 100% natural.  There is just something about them as people, and I trust their word as honest truth (even if that sounds a bit naive).  They just give an air about them.Cory

    Reeves debatable, O'Hearn 100% juiced to the gills.  😉But let's leave it at this, we can argue back and forth for 300 pages and it would still be the same. Juiced or not, these guys are amazing athletes who have achieved a lot and belong to the greatest in the sport, so who gives.


    Fair enough, I will give you Reg... perhaps even Grimek and Ross (from the 40s)... but Reeves claims he never touched any of that shit.  Now, it is pretty easy to lie... but I believe Reeves.  Just as I believe Mike O'Hearn when he claims to be 100% natural.  There is just something about them as people, and I trust their word as honest truth (even if that sounds a bit naive).  They just give an air about them.Cory

    Reeves debatable, O'Hearn 100% juiced to the gills.  😉But let's leave it at this, we can argue back and forth for 300 pages and it would still be the same. Juiced or not, these guys are amazing athletes who have achieved a lot and belong to the greatest in the sport, so who gives.

    No doubting their abilities... and I guess without testing there is no way to say 100% for sure, but rather just go by their word.  Some of these guys just seem extremely upstanding, and their tone, belief-system, conviction, etc. just seems unshakable.Fuck, Layne Norton claims to be 100% natural, and competes natural, and is even kinda "arrogant" about it (KINDA).So, without hard evidence, just speculation, let's just leave it at that.  I just think some men are worth their word... it is not like I believe Cutler when he claims (in Boston accent, sorta half-assed sounding) that he is natural.  LOL!Cory



    Well, it's illegal, so admitting to it would be kind of stupid anyways.


    Well, it's illegal, so admitting to it would be kind of stupid anyways.

    I've seen it done.  That fitness model, Christian Boeving, admitted to it (and immediately lost his MuscleTech contract).  Evan Centopani eluded to it in an MD a year or so back, and Lee Priest talks about it like he would mention popping a pain-killer for a headache.  Many other examples, too.Cory


    …however, it wasn't illegal at Reeves' time.  To my knowledge, from what I've read.Arnold openly admitted their use during contest-prep (at the time, back in the 70s).Cory

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RIP Sergio Oliva

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