This is meant to be a Collaboration Thread on Mental PerformanceNext Thread: The Next Thread will be released in a few months. The focus will be on Post Workout Out Nutrition, Carbs/No Carbs and other interesting stuff.Introduction: As a computer scientist, I understand 1+1 ≠ 3 (does not equal). I also understand that Hard Work ≠ The very best results. You need to be able to cut through the chaos, so you can understand where your hard work should be applied. In this post lets focus on conquering the mind. We all want to wake up and feel our bests. Who wants to be grumpy/unproductive.When posting: Write whatever the hell you want to write. Just try to back it up with data or links so other people can do some research themselves. Also add stuff even if you think people may already know. I.e. The relationship between Keto Diets and concentration perhaps