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    Is anyone doing 5×5 strength training while doing CNS?



    Not right now but I did do it on a CKD diet before this and it worked well as a 4 days split though, 5 days left me overtrained.


    Richard Schmitt

    I know someone is but isn't on the forums anymore


    Scott Podolsky

    Did about 6 months worth as my first foray into serious weight training.  I eventually stalled out due to poor form and no training partners, and moved on to competitive powerlifting with a coach.  It's a solid workout, as long as you keep the intensity up.Sandman



    I would think that low volume and high intensity would be a good for CNS.  5×5 seems like a good fit. 



    Is anyone doing 5x5 strength training while doing CNS?

    Hi hotshot,I have been experimenting with 5x5 the past couple of weeks (I am not a BB) and have seen excellent gains in strength using 5x5. On day 6 of ULC dieting I was still able to maintain 80% of my 1RM.I don't have enough power to lift my fat ass off the floor with pull-ups or chin-ups so 5x5 on a 3-day split using free weights is more or less ideal for me. Happy to PM you a copy of my routine if it helps. I would also be interested if anyone else has some good info on this.Thanks



    5×5 is legit and I did it for probably close to a year before I just switched up my lifting style (heavier more towards 10×3) any program will work if you put the time into it. Just bust your ass and you'll get stronger.



    Yes.  Coming up on 18 mos 5×5, with CN introduced 3 mos ago.

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