CNS and Training very early in the AM

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    Hi All,I typically wake up at 4am and go to the gym at 5am (have been on a brief hiatus, but will restart and plan to use shockwave next week). Am I hurting my CNS progress by training early and then getting a PWO (Hydrolized) +Leucine + Creatine. Also, not sure if it would then help to just try not to eat until lunch 11am because wouldn't the PWO have broken my fast?Sorry, maybe this should be under the CNS thread.


    Richard Schmitt

    Hell no! Get that PWO Shake in sans carbs for the ULC days. Are you planning on lifting that morning prior to a CN then doing HIIT that next morning?Just do the SW fasted, meaning no oil. If you need a pick-me-up. Have coffee with added caffeine.Also for your meal, base it off of your last meal. Not fasting past 12 hours. So if you get done eating the day prior around 7-8pm, and you lift for an hour that next morning. The PWO Shake will break the fast. So technically you'll have the shake around 6 or 7am. Have the coffee with oil an hour later then a meal whenever after that. I don't suggest waiting to eat a whole food meal too long.



    Big Tex, thanks for clarifying. Yes, I will probably lift in the morning of the CN and do HIIT that next morning. Whenever possible though, I plan to try to delay at least the lifting session on CN to around 5 or 6pm. 

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CNS and Training very early in the AM

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