time to load?

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    So ive been on carb nite for 2 weeks but the first week I had carbs at nit a few times cuz I was sick but the second week I did it normal.  So am I good loading tonight? I train hard and i know my glycogen stores are depleted.


    Richard Schmitt

    Sorry but what? How many days have you been ULC?



    This whole week. And last week I did it but had carbs at nite a few times. So 2 weeks total but the first week was half asses


    Richard Schmitt

    So you weren't doing CNS is pretty much what you're saying?



    Just a full week and kinda last week. I guess almost like cbl sa last week and cns thiss week. I should be good eh? I powerlift so ive had to deplete glycogen stores.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah it'll be alright.

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