Ampk pathway antagonist to mtor?

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    Keymaster bunch more articles like this via search.. My question  is. Would it be a benefit to drink white tea upon rising(higher egcg lower fluoride)  in a attempt to keep AMPK pathway open and enhancing Glut 4 pathway until arriving at a meal?From what I read there are many herbs shown to turn on the AMPK. Wouldn't this enhance fat burning and also with glut 4 enhanced help with growth or would the elevated AMPK between meal be a negative because the mtor would be shut down once AMPK is activated? and would nicotine which keeps mtor open longer be adversely effected once white tea/green is ingested and non exercised induced AMPK is activated?I originally posted this in  Carbnite official q&a thought perhaps this is a better location for my questions.


    Brandon D Christ

    From glancing at the research, the AMPK enhances insulin induced GLUT4 translocation.  In Carb Backloading we are more concerned with GLUT4 translocation from exercise.  It doesn't specify if it is any different, so I will have to get back to you on this.




    Can we bump this. Im still wondering if EGCG's effects on mTOR. Seems it inhibits it in cancer cells, from just the little searching ive done. Anybody got an idea?



    Go Heavy

    From glancing at the research, the AMPK enhances insulin induced GLUT4 translocation.  In Carb Backloading we are more concerned with GLUT4 translocation from exercise.  It doesn't specify if it is any different, so I will have to get back to you on this.

    If this is the case then this would actually be unfavorable as fat cells also carry glut 4 and 12.


    Brandon D Christ

    From glancing at the research, the AMPK enhances insulin induced GLUT4 translocation.  In Carb Backloading we are more concerned with GLUT4 translocation from exercise.  It doesn't specify if it is any different, so I will have to get back to you on this.

    If this is the case then this would actually be unfavorable as fat cells also carry glut 4 and 12.


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Ampk pathway antagonist to mtor?

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