Carb Nite for Diabetics?

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  • #122422


    I did two months keto as a type 2 diabetic before going to carb nite. Prior to keto, I was still relatively low carb (100ish carbs on training days 60 ish on off days) and I ate less then 40g of grains a day. I got my a1c down to 5.1 doing that and wendler 5/3/1. My first carb nite I had a post prandial reading of 93 after my SECOND carb meal (with 500mg metformin). Two days later I was sitting around at 69 an hour after training and 73 post prandial (beef and salad). I had a fasting number of 87 the next day. No meds on non carb days of course.

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Carb Nite for Diabetics?

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