Book update???

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  • #5711


    Why isn't the book updated if there are now SOOOO many changes from when it was written? I have been following what was written in the book and now I come here to find there are tons of items that are now out the window. I am so frustrated  :'(


    Richard Schmitt

    It's been mentioned on Facebook and here. Updates are coming.



    He is a busy man, im just grateful for weekly podcasts!


    Brandon D Christ

    Why isn't the book updated if there are now SOOOO many changes from when it was written? I have been following what was written in the book and now I come here to find there are tons of items that are now out the window. I am so frustrated  :'(

    There is really only tweaks.  You can follow the book to the tee and still get excellent results.

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Book update???

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