Say BYE-BYE to diet Pepsi

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    Igor Vidovic

    I knew it was in the works but stumbled across this as well ace-k will have ruined the only soda I have once in a while. Maybe ill have to add extra Rum to it to balance things out

    training log



    I knew it was in the works but stumbled across this as well ace-k will have ruined the only soda I have once in a while. Maybe ill have to add extra Rum to it to balance things out

    Just make sure that you are 240lbs at 5% bf, then you can drink Ace-K without problems.


    Brandon D Christ

    I knew it was in the works but stumbled across this as well ace-k will have ruined the only soda I have once in a while. Maybe ill have to add extra Rum to it to balance things out

    Just make sure that you are 240lbs at 5% bf, then you can drink Ace-K without problems.

    I can drink Ace-K with no problems.  I welcome the switch, Ace-K sweetened beverages are much better. 


    Lesli Bortz

    Until ibob posted I was going to say….No No No No No!!!!!But now I'm wondering....Is it just a tolerance thing. I LOVE my diet Pepsi but not if it screws with my diet. Should we not have it or is it ok???


    Richard Schmitt

    You're fine to drink Ace-K. If progress seems to be going no where then you can rule out that certain drink. I drink Zero Carb Rockstars every once in a while. Aspartame is the same thing.


    Lesli Bortz

    Thanks tex!


    Richard Schmitt

    😉 always



    You're fine to drink Ace-K. If progress seems to be going no where then you can rule out that certain drink. I drink Zero Carb Rockstars every once in a while. Aspartame is the same thing.

    +1 ON the rockstars ........ actually almost everyday for me haha.

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Say BYE-BYE to diet Pepsi

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