does this look ok? help please

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    ahh I guess this difference is my CN starts PWO so whatever protein I eat is driven straight into the muscle with carbs, I treat the first CN meal like the first backload meal (rice or potatoes+chicken or fish)


    Sherylea Hurst

    Fairy you mentioned to start CN low fat carbs @ 3-6…..if I am starting Carbnite at 5:30 and only eat until 9 is this too small a window.  I ate of what I mentioned in my first post on this thread and I was so full I could hardly move…although it seems that I may not have eaten enough?  Is the point to just keep eating because that is what I did…I started and did not stop…but only for 2.5 hours last night.  Your thoughts?


    ahh I guess this difference is my CN starts PWO so whatever protein I eat is driven straight into the muscle with carbs, I treat the first CN meal like the first backload meal (rice or potatoes+chicken or fish)

    Yeah, I start CN @ 4pm.  I workout in the AM, so that PWO shake is ULC.  So is the following meal.I run CNs like I run back-loads, the first meal is LOW fat, HIGH carb, HIGH protein.  Typically a whey shake + candies and/or angelfood cake.The remainder of my daily protein quota is whey shakes once CN begins (whole food protein sources only during ULC).  The only exception is my single restaurant / take-out meal around 9pm on CN, which is usually Italian, Indian or Thai.My CNs last 6-8 hours, which is standard.Cory



    Fairy you mentioned to start CN low fat carbs @ 3-6.....if I am starting Carbnite at 5:30 and only eat until 9 is this too small a window.  I ate of what I mentioned in my first post on this thread and I was so full I could hardly move...although it seems that I may not have eaten enough?  Is the point to just keep eating because that is what I did...I started and did not stop...but only for 2.5 hours last night.  Your thoughts?

    2.5 hours IMO is too short for CN, think of your CN as fuel for the whole weeks workouts, Kiefer just put up a video about people not eating enough on their CNS to get the desired hormonal response. But also listen to your body, if your full stop eating do not force feed, just go by hunger and the signals your body gives you. IF your starving and could eat non-stop for all 6 hours then do it your body is obviously telling you it needs food if your full after 2.5 hours then take a break and maybe an hour or two later eat more.



    ahh I guess this difference is my CN starts PWO so whatever protein I eat is driven straight into the muscle with carbs, I treat the first CN meal like the first backload meal (rice or potatoes+chicken or fish)

    Yeah, I start CN @ 4pm.  I workout in the AM, so that PWO shake is ULC.  So is the following meal.I run CNs like I run back-loads, the first meal is LOW fat, HIGH carb, HIGH protein.  Typically a whey shake + candies and/or angelfood cake.The remainder of my daily protein quota is whey shakes once CN begins (whole food protein sources only during ULC).  The only exception is my single restaurant / take-out meal around 9pm on CN, which is usually Italian, Indian or Thai.My CNs last 6-8 hours, which is standard.Cory

    Yeah we do it very similarly but my diet only allows shakes peri-workout, which is kind of a pain to be honest because the whole food sources are alot more filling, after 3 cups of white rice and 8 oz of cooked chicken I can't eat anything for another 90 minutes or so.


    Sherylea Hurst

    how important is it to take in protein during your actual carb nite.  I have been taking my pwo shake but after that it is only fat and carbs…no protein to speak of….is this wrong?



    Don't over think it too much just hit your protein for the day, if you get most of it pre-CN then just finish it off with PWO shake that's fine. and even if one day you fall a bit short on protein its not gonna do any harm


    Sherylea Hurst

    I know Keifer has spoken about adding another carb nite in at some point…so you are @ 2 CN per week?  When would you know when to do this?



    how important is it to take in protein during your actual carb nite.  I have been taking my pwo shake but after that it is only fat and protein to speak this wrong?

    Key points for CN:1.  Start CN @ 4pm, run for 6 to 8 hours.  No more, no less.  You are full ULC leading up to 4pm.2.  Start CN w/ meals that are lower fat, higher carb.  Think angelfood cakes or candies.  Do this for at least the first meal or two, then start getting dirtier (fattier) w/ later CN meals.  NOTE:  Dextrose is a prefered form of carb, not sugar.  Stay away from slow-digesting carbs (like pasta)!  You want FAST insulin spikes.3.  Eat your protein quota.  That is 0.8g of protein per lb. of lean bodyweight per day (minimum).  So, for a girl who carries 90 lbs. of LBM under whatever fat she is carry, that would be at least 72g of protein per day.  Protein is essential for building and maintaining lean muscle and strength.4.  Stop eating ~2 hours before hitting bed, to ensure your nightly GH release is not disrupted.Cory

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does this look ok? help please

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