Carb nite for competition prep? Help!

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    Hey everyone! I know I've posted about similar topics before but I'm hoping to get some additional feedback.  I have a bikini competition in about 11 weeks. If I compete this will be my second comp. for my first comp. I hired a nutrition coach for my diet and she had me do a standard prep diet and a lot of cardio on top of CrossFit which I do 5-6 days/wk. I placed well in comp but I thought I was too thin and I lost strength.  I dieted for 9 weeks for that comp. I'd love to use carb nite exclusively and some  additional HIIT/sprints as my “cardio” with my normal Crossfit training. I am slightly nervous to commit to this compeition as I will be totally changing my prep and what I have known to work in the past. I know about what my calorie intake should be and I'm currently eating that way and have only put on probably 6lbs or so since comp. I planned on having 2 cleaner carb nites a week to keep energy and performance up. Does anybody have experience using carb nite or modified carb nite for bikini or figure prep?? I'd love to talk if so!!Also, does anyone know if Keifer takes new clients for competition prep and what he typically charges? Does anyone have experience working with him?! Thanks in advance!


    Richard Schmitt

    Well the only way to know what Kiefer would charge and any kind of help in that department is to contact him directly via Facebook or Twitter possibly. Maybe even Ms Alex Navarro could help answer some questions regarding Competition Prep/Getting on Stage.



    I sent him a message, but no response yet.I know that he uses some sort of modified carb nite for the women he does competition prep with but I know it is more specific than the normal plan and I know as the competition gets closer he changes things up.  I know how to get lean and can place on stage, I want to be able to take it to the next level without all of the cardio and keeping my diet more "normal"  I have been doing a version of modified carb nite for almost 2 months and haven't put much weight on since the I know it works. I just need some additional feedback from women who have been through it! 🙂



    I sent him a message, but no response yet.I know that he uses some sort of modified carb nite for the women he does competition prep with but I know it is more specific than the normal plan and I know as the competition gets closer he changes things up.  I know how to get lean and can place on stage, I want to be able to take it to the next level without all of the cardio and keeping my diet more "normal"  I have been doing a version of modified carb nite for almost 2 months and haven't put much weight on since the I know it works. I just need some additional feedback from women who have been through it! 🙂

    Be sure to check out Kiefer's recent Xmas gift PDF with the training and diet template for a recent Crossfit Games competitor. With the amount of training you're doing it might be helpful to see that.

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Carb nite for competition prep? Help!

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