Candida, Acid Reflux and Shitty Doctors?

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    Eric Shaw

    Was wondering if any men or women for that matter have any knowledge or experience with Candida? I have never heard of it until recently doing some online research and am starting to wonder if it is the cause of some unexplained symptoms I've been dealing with.For about the past 9 years I've been getting severe night time itching sans rash 6-10 times a month, some times it might be several months that would pass, but usually it is at least 1-3 times a week sometimes more. Ive been to the doctor had blood tests done, don't know if they did all the tests that might matter, but based on  my symptoms they did the tests "they" felt were "enough" I guess. So I was told it is just stress, and honestly I've bought into that because I have been under A LOT of stress the past few years running a family business which I am in the process now of getting out of due to it's effect on me. I've tried everything else to deal with this, e.g. switch soaps, diet, bedding etc. I personally am highly doubtful it is enviromental at this point or dietary. Because I went 3 months with no itch two years ago during a cut where I was still eating oats, brown rice, dairy, fruit daily. Also about a year ago I started getting bald patches on my facial hair, alopecia arrieta, which I was told again was an auto-immune disorder, and in my case most likely caused by stress, which I had a hard time disagreeing with the stress part. Got a few cortizone injections into the hair patchs and that caused the hair to regrow.I also have had an on and off eczema patch on my body for about 7 years which flares up off and on and most of the time doesn't bother me, and have been given creams, but usually I just ignore it and it doesn't itch, but when it does itch it really itches.I also have toe nail fungus infection for past several years on 3 toes, and have had ring worm out breaks on various parts of my body for the past 6 or 7 years, usually very minor and go away with fungal cream treatment, but none the less I'm begining to wonder if this is all related. And my Doctor is aware of all this but seems to treat each symptom as unrelated to anything else. I'm begining to have a visceral disdain for most doctors, they seem so incompetant.And more recently I just got off 10 days of antibiotics due to a strep throat infection. After stopping the antibiotics I resumed training and my backloading eating habits and started getting severe acid reflux at night that lasted several days. Now I have never had this type of reflux this severe in my life. I think I have been having mild reflux for about 2 years and didnt' know it since the only symptom was a mild sore throat a few times a month which I attributed to snoring and anti-histamine use to control the night time itching. But now I realize for about the past two years I think I was actually having very mild, occasional reflux several times a month. But nothing like what happened after stopping the antiobiotics. Funny thing is I actually asked my doctor if the antiboitics can exacerbate acid reflux and he said no, the only problem could be a candida infection of the mouth which would show up as thick mucus film on tongue. I guess he feels it wouldn't show up any where else? LOLSo I called my doctor about the reflux who told me to start taking prilosec which I did, and after 4 days startign having the worst bloating and indigestion of my life. Up to this point I didnt' even know what bloating was or felt like because I've never experienced it. So this prompted me to start doing my own research about acid reflux, which is how I discovered the possible candida yeast overgrowth link, and how it also can cause other auto-immune disorders like eczema, alopecia arriatta, GERD, night time itching to name a few.So now I have this conundrum. First I'm frustrated as hell, because my doctor along with most doctors seems very dismissive of the symptoms only seems to treat the symptoms and doesn't seem to care or be interested  or even believe there is any other underlying cause. Basically it's like "heres a pill" now go away and call me if you get worse so I can give you another pill for the symptoms.I can't afford to go outside of my health plan and am going to write a comprehensive letter to my doctor outlining what I've written here now that I've been trying to figure out if there is actually a link to all the symptoms that I previously never correlated to each other, nor did any of the doctors.If any one has had any experience dealing with something like this please feel free to share.



    If you had candida, surely it would die from lack of carbs?


    Eric Shaw

    If you had candida, surely it would die from lack of carbs?

    Not according to what Ive read.  It appears that diet only helps weaken the candida enough to allow effective the medicine to work in killing it off completely. Diet alone will not rid the body because the body still produces enough glucose even sans carbs to allow the Candida to feed, although diet may lesson the symptoms.Plus on carbnite I am still consuming a lot of sugar every 6.5 days which "could" be refueling it. But I recall 2 years ago when I went on a lower carb diet with no refeeds except maybe every 2-3 weeks where I went from 20% to 8% bf, I was eating same thing every day. The only carbs I ate were 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 grapefruit, and 1 yam every day plus fat and protein. So according to what I've read these carbs have high enough GI and were small enough in portions to theoretically not feed the Candida. Funny thing is for the 3-4 months I was on the diet I had ZERO itching at night. Only time I can recall that I was without the itching for such a long stretch. Again not sure if the two are related, but it is making me start to wonder now.Plus my stress was much lower than too. the past 2 years my stress has been very high so that can only add to the issue it think.Gonna go to doctor this week and see what they say. I'm a little reluctant to even go because of how dismissive most doctors seem to be when you come to them with unexplained symptoms. They usually call you hypochondriac or it's all in your head. And honestly, I've bought into the whole "it must just be stress so nothing I can do about it medically" idea.



    Yeah, tell me about it. The number of times I've been called a hypochondriac. Hello?! It's a GOOD thing that I'm concerned about my health, because if I don't take care of it who will? Certainly not the health care system! ... And then they go and label you with a mental health issue. Makes me want to throw a fit and start smashing up chairs. But I don't think that would help the situation.


    Eric Shaw

    This is straight from the Kaiser website regarding Candida infections. It is basically saying that all that hokey alternative medicine mumbo jumbo about Candida causing all sorts of crazy symptoms in people is just crazy talk. To me it sounds like the drug companies are behind The American Academy of Allergy and Immunology.It seems as if Allopathic medicine always seems to come down the side of "vitamins and health foods are unproven treatments."  "Cholesterol, psychiatric, and other drugs are great treatments."Since Candida Albicans is supposed to be present in healthy people, treatment is very rarely needed. The American Academy of Allergy and Immunology has stated that the concept of yeast allergy or Candidiasis hypersensitivity is speculative and unproven. Health foods and vitamins are not effective treatments.

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Candida, Acid Reflux and Shitty Doctors?

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