How do you know when you’ve had a successful Carb Nite?

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    By all means, list the crap! I'm actually a little pissed at myself because I'm on CN tonight and I wasted some room in my stomach for some veggies I had been craving (carrots and broccoli with feta cheese and some balsamic vinaigrette) and now I don't think I'm going to be able to eat for several hours. I've got Texas Toast, chocolate chip cookies, Magnum ice cream bar and chocolate cake in the freezer and I can't imagine eating any of it right now.



    Carb Nite #4 is shaping up to be the best yet.  Set in motion by a weigh in (I purposely don't have a scale at home so I just weigh myself on the free scale at the grocery store) that shows a 9# loss since I started CNS a month ago  ;D4:00 - Six 2.5" squares of rice krispy treats (I guess you could say more than a cubic foot 😉4:30 - two small bowls of Fruity Pebbles with skim milk5:30 - 20 pieces of sushi at a superb all-u-can-eat joint. Then I hit the cooked-food side of the restaurant for a pile of sticky rice that would fill Andre the Giant and some chicken & shrimp skewers on top for flavor8:00 - two small red velvet cakes (like rectangular cupcakes) with cream cheese frosting + two soft macadamia/white chocolate cookiesI have a pint of B&J cookie dough ice cream waiting for the 10:00 hour.  I've been pounding water to fill in what few gaps I've left.  One huge correction vs. weeks past is hydration...woke up in the middle of the night last week feeling like a dry sponge...don't want that again.The initial carb blast by the time I finished the fruity pebbles knocked me on my ass...I passed out from about 4:45 to 5:15.  I really felt high as a kite...first time I can remember that type of effect from food on carb nite.  Not bad really...just unexpected.I haven't really worked out macros on this and I'm not sure if I'll take it to that level if progress continues.  Seems just adhering to very low fat + gluten-free for hours 1-3 gets the ball rolling quite well.  I'm really digging CNS.  Thanks for all of the info everyone.  It's been very helpful.



    So last night was my carb nite and I felt like I slept like a rock. But when I looked at my Fitbit stats this morning. It said I was awake 13 times throughout the night. So I have to hope I was just a fat-burning machine throughout the night tossing and turning.



    So last night was my carb nite and I felt like I slept like a rock. But when I looked at my Fitbit stats this morning. It said I was awake 13 times throughout the night. So I have to hope I was just a fat-burning machine throughout the night tossing and turning.

    Hey monsoon. I don't have a fitbit but I had a similar night. Te carbs put me into a coma around 10:30. I was freezing when I went to bed but woke up several times hot as heck, all the blankets were thrown off an that never happens! I also reached for the water several times.


    Yep, I get the sweats too… during CN (once fats are introduced), and during my sleep.  All clammy and shit.  Even in the dead of winter, with the fan on full blast, two windows open letting in NYC chill (below-freezing temps), and I am STILL fucking warm!  I even had to turn my fucking heater off!  LOL.I was also out cold last night... which was pleasant, b/c I had a short bout of insomnia on Tuesday and Wednesday nights last week.I had pretty whack dreams, though.  Per usual.  :-Cory


    Richard Schmitt

    Watching a movie or movies during my CN gives me some crazy adventurous dreams! For example, watched Season 1-2 of Walking Dead…I'll leave the rest to imagination. ;DAnother way that I know I had a successful Nite, is the second ULC day I'm already at my Pre-CN weight and looking/feeling better.



    I may have screwed up last nite. Usually the nite after CN I'm solid as a rock. Today I'm really doughy.My CN was 2 pieces Texas Toast1 bowl chocolate cream of wheat4 chocolate chip cookies1 hot cocoa1 Magnum dark chocolate bar2 cups skim milk1 piece chocolate cakeToo much chocolate, not enough protein? Hmmm. But it was good.



    Eating fiber on a CN = Fail.Well cooked carrots/potatoes + grapes/ripe bananas, fine. Save the broccoli for ULC.



    The broccoli screwed it up? Oh man. What we need is an interactive website where you plug in a food and you either get a bing-bing-bing for good food  or a foghorn for a bad food.


    Richard Schmitt

    You could have that car follow you around honking it's horn every time you're about to screw up like from the commercial 😉



    I think the reason you were probably waking up might have had something to do with the excess seratonin that people get from eating so many carbs after a long break. It also makes you have crazy dreams.


    Eating fiber on a CN = Fail.Well cooked carrots/potatoes + grapes/ripe bananas, fine. Save the broccoli for ULC.




    That's right. Add 40g of dextrose to the ULC shake. I have 1-2

    You do this on carb nite only right? and not the ULC days? 40g of carbs just in your shake would be over doing it by a bit right?


    samuel r walker

    Generally speaking, for CNS you only include carbs pwo on your actual carbnite



    Generally speaking, for CNS you only include carbs pwo on your actual carbnite


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How do you know when you’ve had a successful Carb Nite?

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