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    Sherylea Hurst

    Does anyone know anything about adding Carnitine to your supplementation.  I have read a ton about is fat burning qualities?


    Corey would be the one to ask about it. I'm sure he will chime in.



    very good in the transport and metabolism , i take that in acetyl form with chromium with each meal..may be overkill, but helps


    Does anyone know anything about adding Carnitine to your supplementation.  I have read a ton about is fat burning qualities?

    Carnitine works wonders.  Particularly Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR).On top of cognitive enhancement, ALCAR mobilizes fat stores for energy, and increases testosterone receptor sites on muscles.Cory



    Dr Mauro Di Pasquale always recommended it highly and pushes it on his anabolic diet during the low carb phase


    Sherylea Hurst

    Why do we not hear Keifer mention it?


    Richard Schmitt

    Why do we not hear Keifer mention it?

    Not sure he endorses something that he doesn't personally use or something not too sure.


    Why do we not hear Keifer mention it?

    Not sure he endorses something that he doesn't personally use or something not too sure.

    I don't wait for Kiefer to endorse something.  Personally, some things, like ALCAR, I've been using for years as a BB'er, b/c they work for me.Kiefer's approval or disapproval would not sway my use.Cory



    I personally take a supplement of this everyday. It gives me an extra boost and I did notice accelerated fat loss after my introduction of l-carnitine in my diet.It basically can be found in most of the foods we eat concerning the carb nite diet.On a 100g sample: from steak (the most amount of carnitine found - ~100mg) to avacodos ~5mg. Bacon has  ~25mg. It's basically used to break down long chain fatty acids into useful short chain fatty acid, which the body uses directly as metabolism.Vegetarians hardly consume this anyways, this diet is actually perfect if you want to get l-carnitine naturally from whole foods rather than a supplement.

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